Divorce is not confirmed: Kate Blanchett came out with her husband-screenwriter

A well-known actress and simply beautiful woman Kate Blanchett debunked the myth that she broke up with her husband and lives separately from him. It was said that the couple even think about divorce. The reason for such rumors is clear: about half a year the artist on all social events appears alone, without her beloved husband scriptwriter Andrew Upton.

The oil poured into the fire himself Upton - paparazzi photographed him in the company of actress Harriett Dyer. The couple had a boring time at the party. Cate Blanchett himself was not seen anywhere nearby.

What can I say? Kate and Andrew do devote much time to work and their graphics rarely match. This explains why the couple spends a lot of time apart.

A grand entry into the world

However, the other day, all the gossips and envious people had to reconsider their views on the personal life of Cate Blanchett. The actress was invited to the Instyle Awards, where she was noted as the "Style Icon". Company wife at the celebration was Andrew Upton. The pair looked quite harmonious. The spouses were friendly and posed on the photocell.

As you know, this cinematic family appeared 18 years ago. Kate and her husband have four children - three biological sons and an adopted daughter, Edith.

Kate Blanchett said that their relationship with the future husband developed at lightning speed: intimate affinity occurred three days after the meeting, and the offer of the hand and heart Andrew made beloved in three weeks.

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The actress readily answered "Yes!" And does not regret it. It was not for nothing that she knew from the first minute that she would be the wife of Mr. Upton.