How fast to lose weight on buckwheat?

Buckwheat is one of the most valuable cereals, because it is not only rich in protein, but also contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Unconditional plus weight loss on buckwheat is its satiety at not the highest caloric value, besides, buckwheat "cleans" the body well, and this contributes to the fact that a week-long diet can lose up to ten kilograms. In general, we share our thoughts on how quickly to lose weight on buckwheat.

Buckwheat + kefir

And buckwheat, and kefir - known to fans of diets, food . Both products are protein, purifying, normalizing the microflora and peristalsis of the intestine. Adhering to the diet on buckwheat and kefir, you not only lose weight, but also improve the complexion, get rid of dermatitis, constipation, digestive problems.

The essence of the diet based on kefir and buckwheat is simple: all day you eat as many buckwheat as you want, and half an hour before or after eating you drink kefir. If the appearance of dry buckwheat is already unbearable, you can even wash down, or pour buckwheat with its lactic acid friend.

By the way, if you buy kefir, made within 24 hours, it can cause diarrhea, and yogurt, made three days ago, has the property to lead to constipation.

Buckwheat + milk

For many, the way to lose weight on buckwheat with milk will seem much simpler than the previous one, but here for an amateur: someone likes milk, and someone kefir. The only advantage of kefir in front of the milk is that it really normalizes, heals, harmonizes the intestinal microflora. But since buckwheat filled with milk has a more attractive and familiar look, we will discuss this option.

Milk, as well as kefir, should be chosen low in fat content, up to 2.5%. Buckwheat in milk is not necessary to cook, we will pour them ready-made cereals.

Of course, this version of the diet will be the same protein as the previous one.

The duration of both diets is 7 days.

Preparation of buckwheat

Do not forget that buckwheat helps to lose weight only when properly treated. It does not need to be cooked at all - we conserve valuable nutrients. Buckwheat in the evening, pour boiling water and drain this water. Then pour again, cover with a lid and wrap it in a kitchen towel, leave it until the morning. In the morning you get a completely ready-to-eat cereal, which for heating can again be doused with boiling water, pour kefir or hot milk.

Yes, and one more thing: during a diet, you can eat vegetable salads (without salt, sauces, dressings), and fruits, and even dried fruits . Just all of this - additions, and your main meal should be buckwheat, kefir or milk.