Cinnamon with honey - useful properties and contraindications

Cinnamon and honey individually are the strongest biologically active products, able to help with a wide variety of ailments. The combination of cinnamon and honey gives rise to a mixture with additional beneficial properties and contraindications.

What is useful cinnamon with honey?

The duet of cinnamon and honey is one of the most successful created by man. Nature has endowed these multifaceted medicinal substances with a variety of useful properties, and in the mixture they complement each other successfully. A drink made from cinnamon and honey can heal a viral or catarrhal disease, help with problems with digestion and cardiovascular diseases, reduce high cholesterol , improve the tone of the body, accelerate metabolism. And if a honey-cinnamon drink rinse your mouth, it will help to remove inflammation of the mucosa and freshen your breath.

To prepare a miracle drink from cinnamon and honey, pour a teaspoon of seasoning with a glass of boiling water and leave in a dark place for 8 hours. Then the infusion should be filtered, dissolved in a teaspoon of honey and immediately drink.

People who are interested in the answer to the question - can honey and cinnamon strengthen immunity, you can advise taking a mixture of cinnamon and honey. Products for this fragrant medicine should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio, and taking the remedy is best in the morning. In addition to improving the protective properties of the body, this medicine is effective in chronic fatigue, premature aging and weakness of the heart muscle.

Useful honey with cinnamon and for joints. To remove the pain syndrome in arthritis will help honey-cinnamon drink, which must be taken inside and used for grinding and compresses. To prepare an ointment for a sick joint, you need to mix 2 parts of honey, 1 part of cinnamon and 4 parts of boiled water. Ointment should be applied to a sore spot 2-3 times a day.

In addition to useful properties, the means of honey with cinnamon have contraindications. These include allergic reactions to these products, pregnancy, hemorrhage, hypertension, antibiotics, elevated body temperature.

What is useful for cinnamon with honey for beauty?

In case of skin problems (acne, lichen, neurodermatitis, eczema), a honey-cinnamon mixture prepared in a 1: 1 ratio is applied to the affected areas. This tool helps and with bites of insects - it quickly removes swelling and inflammation.

For hair, a mixture of cinnamon and honey is useful primarily for its nutritional and stimulating properties, so that the hair becomes more elastic, grow faster and less split. The mask of cinnamon, honey and lemon juice lightens the hair a little and gives a golden tinge, but it is undesirable to use it for damaged hair.

Honey and cinnamon for weight loss

A very popular mixture of cinnamon and honey for weight loss. This tool is ideal for reducing excess weight, because accelerates metabolism, activates the burning of fatty deposits, normalizes the work of the digestive tract. To make a lean drink you need to brew green tea and add cinnamon (a teaspoon of seasoning to a glass of tea). Half an hour later, when the tea has cooled down, it needs to dissolve a tablespoon of quality natural honey (which has not undergone heat treatment). Drink should be put in the refrigerator at night, and take the next day for 100 ml in the morning and evening.

There are several other variations of the beverage for weight loss from honey and cinnamon . For example, the quality of the ground ginger root (teaspoon) or lemon juice (1-2 teaspoons) is added to the quality of fat burning. Another popular recipe for a morning diet drink is a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon on a glass of kefir. All these funds give a remarkable result, if the rules of healthy nutrition are observed when they are used.