Dresses for style

Tracing the fashion trends, you can see that in fashion, everything is cyclical and, as they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old. As, for example, dresses in the style of "style." They appeared in the late forties, when the country was just beginning to recover after the war. It was at this time that people were able to see how it was living there, in the West and in America, and this life turned many people's heads, and especially the youth. Then there were those very styleks who wanted life without a rigid Soviet framework. And their fashion from that time has reached ours, remaining all the same popular, after all really these bright dresses of "style" simply can not not like. In addition, you can be sure that in this dress will draw to your person's attention. And what else could the girl want?

Dresses "style" in the style of retro

So, what should be the dresses corresponding to this bright and bright style? Dresses a la style can be two styles: either "flower" - a narrowed waist and a sumptuous skirt, or "an hourglass" - a narrowed waist, and the skirt tightly surrounds the thigh area and narrows to the knees. Most often, they wore dresses of the first style, as it was much more convenient to dance in it, whereas the second version quite strongly hampered the movement. It is worth noting that for the dress "flower" in the style of "stilagi" you may need a sucker , especially if you want as much as possible a magnificent skirt.

In general, the styles of dresses with style "style" are not so much, but very pleasing variety of colors. Usually bright, saturated shades are chosen. The outfit can be variegated and monophonic, but in general the most popular pattern is peas. Dresses "style" in peas were popular and in those days when this style was born, they are popular now, because this pattern looks very stylish, although, it seems, there is nothing special about it.

How to wear women's dresses in the style of "stilig"?

The most important thing is the ability to wear similar dresses. First and foremost, it is worth noting that these outfits are suitable for bold girls who like to be in the spotlight. Ideal shoes for the "style" dress are shoes with heels, but you can also wear ballet shoes - it will look very stylish too. Make-up should be expressive, but not provocative. Ideal - thickly dye eyelashes with ink, make arrows black eyeliner, and for lips - red lipstick. A classic solution, which seems to be quite simple, but at the same time - bright and elegant.