When can I pump a press after cesarean?

The main disorders of a woman who recently gave birth to a child are "sailed" sides and a sagging tummy. And if the latter has not pulled himself up for the first time after the resolution of the burden, do not start the situation, hoping for diet and nature. The main recommendation is the independent work on your body, which is to strengthen the muscles of the press. However, if a woman underwent a caesarean section operation, her stomach may never regain its former shape, especially since the cut abdominal wall will not allow for a long time to do exercises for the press.

When can I pump a press after cesarean?

Do not try to get up to the "machine" as quickly as possible. Do exercises on the press can only after a certain time. As for normal births - it's 6 - 10 weeks. If there was a cesarean, then you have to wait at least 3 months to start the simplest exercises, give the same high load on the press after caesarean is not recommended for six months. This is how much the recovery period is after the operation. Too hasty actions can cause an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, soreness of the joints and their divergence, and this is fraught with serious consequences. In any case, to start training press after caesarean section is possible only after permission of the doctor.

Exercises for the press after cesarean

Despite the fact that after the delivery, many new troubles and problems immediately appear, do not forget about helping your body to recover. Especially it concerns the normalization of postpartum hemorrhages and the tightening of the muscles of the genital organ. After several hours, you can begin light exercises that will strengthen the muscles of the press and help the uterus contract, and for this you do not need to get out of bed or leave the room. For example, it is necessary to do such manipulations:

How to pump up a press after cesarean?

After discharge from the hospital, it is still not possible to do gymnastics for the press, it is recommended to sleep on the stomach and wear a postoperative bandage to help tighten the muscles and skin of the abdomen.

To start to swing a press after cesarean it is possible from such simple exercises:

  1. Try to work with your feet while the upper part of the body is stationary. These can be lowering and lifting the limbs, flexing them, crossing over to weight and so on.
  2. Strengthen the press will help rotate movements of the trunk at a time when the legs are firmly pressed to the floor and still.
  3. You can do cross-body movements and legs simultaneously.

Do not be afraid to move and do exercises. But if in the area of ​​the seam there is discomfort and painful sensations, the gymnastics should be stopped immediately.

To clean the stomach after cesarean is quite real. If the seam is done neatly and runs along the line of the underwear, the cut of muscles in this place should not in any way affect the strengthening of the press and the tightening of the abdomen.