Vakderm for cats

There are several diseases of fungal nature, which have a common name of dermatophytosis. Most often they affect the hairline of cats and dogs, and trichophytosis, in addition to wool, breaks the state of the claws. Animals that have a high resistance to this kind of disease can have a superficial or worn-out form of the disease. With weak immunity, as well as in kittens and puppies, the course of the disease is more severe with a deep lesion of the skin.

Locally, as a rule, the head, neck and back become. The spread of dermatophytosis is facilitated by the crowding of animals, and not only in shelters, but also at exhibitions. The owner or child can easily get infected from his pet.

To reduce the risk of dermatophytosis disease in dogs and cats, they are recommended to be vaccinated. Which is better, the existing Microderm vaccine, Polivac, Vakderm or Wakderm-F, you must decide with the veterinarian, as they are all designed to fight dermatophytosis. Moreover, vaccines not only prevent the disease, they also have a therapeutic effect at any stage of the disease.

Vaccum vaccine for cats

It is recommended to vaccinate animals that were or may be in contact with sick or already ill with one of the types of dermatophytosis. Do not be surprised if, after your decision to use Vacderm vaccine against lichen for your cats, they will get sick. This is what makes the vaccine unique. The disease indicates that the cat was in the incubation period, which lasts sometimes up to a month. And the vaccine only pushed the manifestation of the disease in the place where the pathogen was located. In such cases, a full course of vaccination is carried out according to the instructions. With the therapeutic purpose of the animal, vaccinated two more times. An apparent improvement in the condition occurs 15-25 days after the second inoculation . Cortex, which are found in the lesions, fall off and begin to grow wool.

If vaccinations are done correctly, immunity is maintained throughout the year.

There are two types of vaccinated vaccine for cats - ampoules that have a yellowish-brown content in a liquid or dry state in an amount of 1 ml.

Cats that have not turned six months old, the dose is 0.5 ml, and those who are older - 1 ml. The dry vaccine is diluted with a special solvent, sometimes it is allowed to use sterile saline or distilled water. Ampoules with a liquid form of release before injection must be heated to body temperature.

The injection is done intramuscularly in the thigh, both times in different limbs, preliminarily treating the needle insertion site with alcohol. In no case can the same needle be used to vaccinate different animals.

Contraindications and side effects of vaccine Vacderm

The introduction of inactivated spores of an associated vaccine A fecal vaccder sometimes causes a local reaction. The appearance of the condensation disappears within five days without the use of medications.

Sensitive cats can react with drowsiness.

If the cat is ill or weakened after any illness, it is necessary to postpone the vaccination until it is fully recovered. Pregnant cats vaccination is also contraindicated.

When purchasing a vaccine, be sure to pay attention to its quality, shelf life, availability of a label and place of storage in the hot season. Since the storage temperature should not exceed 2-10 ° C.

Spores of fungi show stability in the external environment, although sensitive to the action of ultraviolet rays. For those infected with dermatophytosis cats, in addition to the vaccine, local antifungal agents or shampoos are prescribed for the doctor's prescription. Similarly, Vakderm vaccine is used to treat skin diseases in dogs.