Epatage - what is it?

More and more often, from the TV screens and pages of magazines we hear this popular word "shocking", but far from everyone knows its meaning, taking for a synonym of style or fashion. What is this shocking in fact?

Epatage is a violation of all generally accepted norms, overturning the notion of morality, morality and aesthetics. If it is a matter of epatage in art, it is a hard effect, expression, non-standard perception. In contemporary art, we can often see spectacular pictures with deliberate provocation, such as scenes of same-sex feelings, intentional cruelty, naked bodies or other subjects capable of shocking the public.

Opinions about the art of shocking in society are very divergent - some perceive it as a new direction, the disclosure of special facets of life, others - as the destruction of all generally accepted values ​​leading to the degradation of society. Naturally, extraordinary approaches will never cause a unanimous reaction.

Epatage - clothes

Clothing - this is perhaps the most striking example of shocking in modern society. Unconventionality in approaches and styles, which evokes a stormy and ambiguous reaction of others, today enjoys great success, and more and more often we meet catchy and incongruous color combinations, unusual candid swimsuits from unexpected materials, transparent calling dresses.

Separate themes deserve dresses in the style of shocking. It can be like a doll's air dress, a hard plastic case or a black mesh calling outfit with translucent underwear - in short, anything that can shock others and cause a violent, ambiguous reaction.

The art of shocking touched and hairstyles, and today more often you can meet girls with unexpected hair color - blue, red, green shades.

Stunned by their hair, you can even without dyeing hair - a smoothly shaved head with a tattoo, an Iroquois, or a shaved part of the head will cause a stormy and ambiguous reaction of the public. This is also one of the vivid examples of shocking.

Epatage in show business

The first name associated with us with the word "shock" is Lady Gaga. This person shocked the audience with each new entrance to the stage or appearance at the event. Unexpected shades of hair, ranging from natural blond and to silvery, green, red, combined with shocking dresses from the most unexpected materials, can shock you. Scandalous and violent reaction was caused by the outrageous outfit of Legi Gaga from raw meat, in which she appeared in front of the audience at one of the concerts.

Separate attention deserves the makeup of this scandalous person - the staggeringly long eyelashes of unnatural colors, the bright colors that are incompatible with the clothes and the color of the lips.

Opinions of the public about Legi Gaga were severely divided - some are delighted with her unique style and try in every possible way to imitate their idol, while others this person causes a storm of indignation and indignation. But, which is to be expected, there will not be a single person left indifferent to her work.

Another bright representative of shocking can safely be called Miley Cyrus, capable of shocking the public with their outfits and defiant behavior. Semi-naked costumes and completely nude images combined with a restrained make-up and a short ragged haircut can provoke a violent and ambiguous reaction of the public. Because of excessive naked outrageous, many cities and concert venues, especially in the United States, refuse to speak.