Ivy - home care

Ivy is one of the most common plants, which is unpretentious in the care and is suitable for the lover of indoor flowers. The plant enjoys great popularity among florists-designers, because effectively hanging stalks of this ampel plant will look beautiful in any interior.

What does an ordinary ivy look like?

The ivy room has light leaves with 3-7 blades on which the veins protrude. His small flowers are collected in umbrellas and represent a racemose inflorescence. Being an indoor plant, ivy does not bloom.

Ivy Room: useful properties

Ivy is useful to grow at home not only as an ornamental plant. It helps purify the air, strengthen immunity, and also helps to cope with stressful situations.

Using decoction from ivy leaves helps cure cough, headache, rheumatism, arthritis.

Decoction from its roots is used to treat burns and boils on the surface of the skin.

Ivy enters a collection of herbs that successfully treat stones in the kidney and bladder.

Diseases of indoor ivy

If it is placed too close to the window, the leaves may be stained as a result of sunburn in summer or under the influence of frosty air in winter.

If there is a lack of light, the leaves may stop growing.

If the temperature is not respected, the humidity of the air is insufficient, the leaves may wither and die. Similar symptoms can be observed if a cobweb settled on the ivy.

Other enemies of ivy are the scabbard , aphids, which appear in a room with excessively dry air.

To destroy pests from the surface of the leaves, they can be washed in a basin with a bath, while adding an insecticide as a disinfectant.

Reproduction of ivy

You can reproduce it at any time of the year. The breeding procedure is as follows:

  1. From ivy cut a small number of branches 10 cm long.
  2. Place pieces of stems in water at room temperature.
  3. Then the container with the shoots is placed in a cool dark place and waiting for the first roots to appear.
  4. Next cuttings are transplanted into pots with a ready mixture. Ivy breeds with the help of stem or apical cuttings. It is better to place 3-4 cuttings in one container at once to get lush bushes.

Houseplant ivy: home care

Despite the fact that ivy is a shade-tolerant plant of the room type, it is able to show the greatest beauty in a well-lit place. If the light is not enough, its leaves can turn green. But this does not mean that ivy room can be placed under direct sunlight. It is better to avoid such a bright light. Also, do not change the location of ivy too often.

In the winter, it is necessary to maintain the ambient temperature at 13-15 degrees, in the summer - 25 degrees. The best place to find ivy in the summer is the balcony.

Especially pay attention to watering the plant. In winter, it is necessary to moisten the soil only when it has dried. Since in apartments air is more often dry and few people use a humidifier at home, ivy should be sprinkled with water several times a week, otherwise dry air can badly affect its growth and quality of leaves.

In summer the land must be wet constantly. Also requires additional fertilizing by the mullein. However, with caution should be taken to the use of fertilizers. If used too often, the ivy leaves will become very large, and it will lose its decorative effect.

Beginning florist for breeding can recommend a room ivy, care for which at home takes a lot of time.