End cutting boards

The end cutting boards differ from the usual ones in that the wood fibers in them are not located parallel to the cutting surface, but perpendicularly. It is these boards that are used in their work by many professional chefs, to which there are many explanations.

Features of end cutting board

It is known that the end side of the board is more durable and durable, its hardness is 1.5 times higher than the hardness of the side surface. When a knife cuts a regular board, the dispersed wood fibers no longer come to their original state, therefore, over time, many scratches and cuts appear. Of these, microscopic wood fibers enter food together with food.

With the end boards, the situation is different: the cut fibers return to their original position and close. As a result, the integrity and external appeal of the board is preserved for as long as possible. And knives with such boards are much less dull.

Thanks to the backing fibers, there are few bacteria accumulating on the cutting board from the end cuts, since they have nowhere to penetrate. In the usual cutting board, bacteria freely penetrate into the incisions, which makes such a board not completely hygienic.

Use of end cutting board

Without such a faithful assistant, it is impossible to imagine a difficult job of preparing minced meat for lub-kebabs or chops. No flying chips - everything is simple, fast and convenient.

The end cutting board made from oak is especially strong and thick, it is capable of withstanding significant loads. It is usually used for cutting meat, fish, especially large and frozen pieces. It withstands all the load better than conventional boards, less blunts the knife and generally lasts longer.

In addition to cooking dishes, end cutting boards, and not only from oak, but also from pear, cherry or aspen, are used in restaurants for serving dishes. For example, in a pizzeria it is on these boards should serve pizza . And in expensive restaurants they serve a table, if an open cooking ceremony is provided in front of the client.

Rules for the operation of the end cutting board

For longer and more comfortable operation of similar products, you need to follow certain rules. So, after each application, the board should be dried evenly, for which there are legs on its back surface.

When washing, minimize the contact of the board with water. The less time spent underwater, the stronger the gluing of its wooden elements and the less risk of deformation of the board.

In addition, periodically the board should be lubricated with mineral oil. It has no smell or taste, does not affect the prepared dishes, but significantly improves the appearance of the board and increases the stability of the wood.

A little about the shortcomings

Unfortunately, even such seemingly ideal boards are not without flaws. First of all, they are heavier and thicker than others due to the technical features of the manufacturing process.

Such boards require more complex maintenance - they must be carefully dried and periodically lubricated, as was mentioned a little higher.

Usually, the working surface in the faceplate is one, since the second equipped with legs. We usually use the same board on both sides.

To minimize the shortcomings of your board, pay attention to the quality of the tree when buying. In each region, the boards are made from the most common and available wood. But this does not always mean good quality.

So, the use of birch wood is not entirely justified, since it is not resistant, absorbs moisture, has a not quite neat appearance. Worse than birch can be only beech - it has high hygroscopicity and a shrinkage factor.

Optimal types of wood in our latitudes can be considered as oak, ash and hornbeam.