Can I give zucchini to my mother?

Virtually every hostess can, without hesitation, name a few dishes from the vegetable marrow. This vegetable, due to its unpretentiousness, can be found in any garden. It is because of this accessibility, zucchini often enters the diet of Russian residents in the summer.

What is useful zucchini?

Many mothers who breastfeed their babies, think about whether they can eat zucchini, and how they are useful.

Zucchini contain a large number of trace elements, such as potassium , calcium, phosphorus , magnesium, and iron. In addition, they contain a lot of organic acids and protein, which is necessary for nursing, especially after difficult births. That is why, nursing mothers can eat zucchini, and even need to.

Due to the fact that zucchini is a low-calorie product, it can be observed in the composition of numerous diets. Moreover, it contains substances that block fat, hinder the development of obesity.

Courgettes when breastfeeding

Eating zucchini when breastfeeding, my mother should take into account a few nuances.

Firstly, if during pregnancy in a woman's diet zucchini was absent, then with lactation it should be administered in a small volume, while observing the reaction of the baby. In most cases, this vegetable does not lead to the development of allergic reactions.

Secondly, when using zucchini during breastfeeding, each mother should pay special attention to their quality (ripeness, freshness, etc.). It is best if it is vegetables harvested in their own beds, which were grown without the use of various fertilizers.

As a rule, zucchini has a neutral taste, so the baby will not notice its presence in the diet of his mother. It is thanks to this property zucchini, they often are part of complementary foods for an already grown-up baby.

In what form is it better to eat zucchini?

Usually nursing mothers use zucchini in stewed dishes, or add them to a salad. In this case, it is necessary to avoid fried foods, which can affect the pancreas in a baby. Special attention should be given to the content of seasoning dishes, which should be present only in small quantities.

Thus, the answer to the question: "Is it possible to breast feed zucchini?", Is an unambiguous "Can!". However, this does not mean that the mother should include them in the everyday menu. In all things, it is necessary to know the measure and observe the conditions set out above.