Can I use the monitor as a TV?

There are situations when you need another TV, and buying it is impossible for a number of reasons. And here the question often arises: can I connect a monitor as a TV ? If you have an old computer monitor at your disposal, you can use it as a TV. There are several ways to do this, the simplest of which is to connect a TV tuner, external or internal.

How to use the monitor as a TV?

So, buying and installing a TV tuner is the reliable way to magically turn a computer monitor into a TV. An external tuner is a stand-alone device that connects to an electrical outlet, a TV antenna, a PC unit and a monitor.

In other words, the TV tuner is connected to the system unit and a monitor is connected to it. It is controlled by the remote control, as if you are dealing with the most ordinary TV.

If you do not need a system unit, you can simply connect the TV tuner to the monitor directly and use it exclusively as a TV. In this case, you need to get the speakers that will be connected to the corresponding connector on the tuner.

Can I make a TV from the monitor in another way?

Another method used by experienced users to convert a monitor to a TV is to install a decoder in the monitor. Fortunately, modern monitors have an LVDS interface, to which you can connect a special expansion board with a built-in video decoder to turn a conventional monitor into an analog or even a digital TV.

Analog board costs less than digital, but it does not give all those features that a digital card with a decoder has. After buying a motherboard, you can carry it along with the monitor to the nearest service center for audio and video equipment, where everyone will edit and set up. It only remains to bring the antenna to the new TV, after which it will be fully ready for operation in a new role.

But if you own some skills in radio engineering, then you can cope with the installation of the board yourself. All you need to do is remove the back cover of the monitor, disconnect the cable to the standard expansion card and connect a new card via a similar cable. Pre-record the marking matrix, so that later it was easier to find the firmware.

Now you know the answer to the question - is it possible to use the monitor as a TV, and are free to choose a more convenient method for you.