Fabric stretch ceilings - pros and cons

For a holistic and harmonious perception of the room, it is important not only to finish the walls and floor, but also the ceiling finish. And that the design was spectacular and original, you can recommend installing stretch ceilings. But not known to many of the PVC-film, and another, more modern, their variety (immediately notice - not without its pros and cons) - fabric stretch ceilings. Answering a very reasonable question, why exactly fabric ceilings , all their pluses and minuses will be considered separately. So…

Advantages of fabric stretch ceilings

First of all, it should be said that the initial material for such ceilings is a fabric with a special impregnation made of polyurethane, which, in terms of its performance (strength, resistance to temperature fluctuations and mechanical influences), exceeds the PVC film. In addition, the width of the used fabric (5 meters) allows you to assemble the stretch ceilings without seams, since most rooms have a width not exceeding the width of the fabric for the fabric ceiling. Undoubted advantage can be called and the fact that the installation of such ceilings is much easier than the ceilings of PVC-film - there is no need for heating the room or the material itself. Without a doubt, the fact that the fabric stretch ceilings are beautifully painted and they can even be applied with a pattern or ornament, will interest both professional designers and ordinary inhabitants in terms of creating an individual interior. And one more advantage of fabric ceilings, which allows to install them even in children's and hospital establishments is high ecological safety. No harmful or toxic substances are released during operation.

Disadvantages of fabric ceiling

For the sake of justice, we can not say about some of the drawbacks of this type of stretch ceilings . First of all, this is their rather high price. Fabric stretch ceilings refer to finishing materials of high price category. Another disadvantage of fabric ceilings can be attributed to their low elasticity. Therefore, in rooms where flooding is possible (neighbors are different), it is better not to install such ceilings - they can not withstand a large volume of water (PVC ceilings in such cases are stretched), and through this material the water will simply seep. To this can be added and the fact that in the case of even minor damage, the entire ceiling will have to be changed, which is quite costly and troublesome. Also, fabric stretch ceilings are poorly cleaned.