Falsh window

Can you justify falsehood and lie? Yes, if you mean the false windows, which in the interior create a special atmosphere of comfort, beauty and harmony. Fake windows, as they are otherwise called, are not only an imitation of a window, they help visually expand the space, make it lighter and less closed.

Types of false windows

Often, a false window is made on the wall. A sketch is created and transferred to the wall or drawn directly on the wall. The view from the window can be made in the form of a poster or a photograph. Then a frame is selected that can be made of wood or made of polyurethane moldings.

By the way, to make the false-window more natural, it is possible to fix the plexiglass on the picture. And if you fix and a small window sill, you can install pots with flowers there, hanging the curtains for realism.

In order to make the binding, you can use thin moldings. They will make the frame perfect, the same ones who first come to your house, immediately and do not distinguish the present window from the false one.

The mirror false window is a wonderful technique that allows not only to brighten the space, but also to visually expand, without making a major overhaul with the transfer of walls. This window is drawn in the same way as the previous one. The difference is that the window frame can be attached directly to the wall to the mirror, but you can mirror the window separately, and then attach it.

Ceiling false windows - this is a separate version. The false window on the ceiling is used very often today. It can be made on a simple ceiling, but it will look best on a suspended ceiling.

In the bedroom, the false window created on the ceiling in the form of a starry sky will look great. And if you plug in the LED lighting, the myriad of twinkling stars will create an atmosphere of romance and peace. Although, it all depends on you, you can choose any pattern and install it on both the wall and the ceiling.

By the way, you can use stained-glass windows. Often such a false window is made in the bathroom.

Images for false windows

For the bathroom, a round window in the form of a porthole with images of marine animals and plants is suitable. And if you design an apartment in country style, then the picture in the form of a meadow with a river will serve as an excellent addition. And the Provence style "loves" seascapes and lavender fields.

If you do not have enough heat and sun, then a picture overlooking palm trees and a yacht drifting off the coast will brighten up the cold winter weekdays. And the style of hi-tech is suitable cosmic space, visible from the porthole.