Salad with smoked cheese

Various smoked cheeses offered by retail chains have interesting piquantly bright tastes, although, of course, such products can not be attributed to unconditionally useful, smoked is not useful in principle. However, despite this, we sometimes eat smoked products, because you want to pamper yourself, guests and the home with something particularly tasty, you can, for example, prepare a salad with smoked cheese.

Here are a few recipes for salads with smoked cheeses. When choosing and buying cheeses, of course, we must carefully read the composition on the label, and maybe even require demonstration of conformity certificates.

Salad with smoked cheese "Kosichka"



We cut potatoes into cubes, olives - rings, and sweet peppers - with short straws. Cheese shred with small pieces 2-3 cm long. We chop the greens finely. We connect all the products in a salad bowl, squeeze garlic through a manual press and season it with a dressing (it does not matter, this oil, or yogurt , or mayonnaise). We pour the salad dressing and mix. We decorate with greenery.

Salad "Sofia" with melted smoked sausage cheese



Cheese, ham and sweet peppers cut into short straws. Cucumbers shred by short, thin bars. Greens and garlic finely chopped. Mix all the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, season with yogurt and mix. We decorate with greenery. You can, of course, use vegetable oil instead of yogurt (ideally, Extra Virgin Olive), sour cream or even mayonnaise, in the latter variant - it is better than home cooking.

Salad with smoked cheese, boiled chicken and pickled mushrooms



Chicken meat boil with onion and seasonings, the meat is extracted and cooled, the broth is used for soup. Simultaneously, separately cook potatoes "in uniform". We cut meat with small pieces, potatoes - slices, olives - in circles or in halves along each. Cheese is rubbed on a large grater. Marinated mushrooms are cut there. We chop the greens and garlic finely. All the prepared ingredients are combined in a salad bowl. For filling, mix the oil with vinegar in a ratio of 3: 1. We decorate with greenery.

Salad with smoked cheese and light-salted fish and rice



Rice carefully rinse and boil in a large amount of water for 10-16 minutes (depends on the variety). Let's throw the rice into a colander or a strainer or simply salt the excess water, covering the pan with a lid so that a very small gap remains. If the rice has increased tackiness, you can rinse it with boiled water, it is necessary to get friable. Fish (preferably, own salting) milled and cut into small pieces, and sweet peppers - short straws. Cut garlic and greens finely. We connect all the prepared foods in a salad bowl. Cream seasoning with hot pepper, you can and other spices - if desired. We fill the salad and decorate with greens.