Form for baking nuts

It is difficult to find a person who would be completely indifferent to the liver in the form of a nut or mushroom with a filling. Once cooking home cookies was the norm, then baking gradually became a delicacy. Today, more and more mothers carefully read the composition of the cookie being sold and decide to bake it themselves. A form for baking nuts, or a simple hazel, returned to our kitchens, but in a markedly renewed form.

Forms for baking nuts and mushrooms

If somewhere in the house there remains a cast-iron form for baking nuts, obtained from the grandmother, it can be safely used. For obvious reasons, the cast-iron form for baking nuts is heavy, and not every landlady is ready for such feats.

To help us comes the aluminum form for baking nuts, with wooden handles and noticeably less weight. You will find it in many hardware stores. There are interesting shapes, where several figures at once: nuts, mushrooms and bumps. Be sure to become a favorite subject in the kitchen in a family with children.

The electric form for baking nuts is a solution for modern housewives. Its advantage is primarily in coverage. Non-stick coating allows you to cook a biscuit quickly and safely burn the dough. Not unimportant and the fact that the electric form for baking nuts does not need a stove. Even in the summer, when the heat outside the window, you can not deny yourself a treat.

And finally, when the cookies are rare or simply there is no desire to cook on the stove, you can cook everything in the oven. There is a form for baking nuts, consisting of a set of halves in the form of forms for cupcakes. In them, pieces of dough are laid, then it is distributed on the inside of the mold. All this is baked in the oven, then the finished liver is packed in the form of a nut. At a time almost all forms give about ten halves of the shell.