Ceramic Heater

Today, the market for air heaters has many different models. Let's stop at the ceramic devices and find out what they are.

The principle of the ceramic heater

The operation of any ceramic heater is based on the method of forced convection. This means that the heating element (several ceramic plates connected to one panel) is blown by built-in fans. Thanks to this warm air flows spread throughout the room, quickly and effectively heating the room.

Types of heaters

Depending on the power source, the ceramic heater can be:

According to the peculiarities of the location, ceramic heaters for the home are:

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic air heaters

For all the devices listed above, the available price, high efficiency, quiet operation and fire safety are characteristic. All this distinguishes between modern ceramic heaters and traditional oil heaters. In addition, the possibility of remote control is very convenient.

As for the disadvantages, heaters with ceramic plates quickly cool down after switching off. Also their feature is a point action - they heat local zones, which in principle can be treated in two ways - as a "plus" or as a "minus".

When choosing a ceramic heater, pay attention to its power, which should be sufficient for the qualitative and rapid heating of the area of ​​your room.