Interesting facts about Denmark

We assure, our plans do not include the dedication of the reader to dry historical information about the ancient and amazing country of Denmark. You can find them in history textbooks. We believe the most interesting facts about Denmark will surprise you. So, let's begin.

  1. In Denmark, the happiest people on the planet live. And this is not an exaggeration. Scientists from the University of Leicester, UK conducted a study, the results of which show that it is in Denmark that most people are satisfied with their lives.
  2. Another interesting fact about Denmark is the largest Tivoli entertainment park in Europe. It was he who served as a prototype of the famous Disneyland, created by Walt Disney. Walking through the Copenhagen park, he could not forget his beauty and greatness.
  3. Copenhagen - a unique city, which has the longest in Europe street, which hosts hundreds of fashionable boutiques and salons. In addition, in the capital of the kingdom, which until the XIX century governed the countries of Northern Europe, reconstruction of canals has been carried out, and now it is possible to swim in these harbors.
  4. Interesting facts about Denmark and its capital are not limited to this. So, the inhabitants of Copenhagen every day on the subway pass about 660 thousand kilometers, and on bicycles - twice as many. By the way, at the points of rental they are issued for temporary use free of charge.
  5. Legendary designer "Lego" - the brainchild of a resident of Denmark. Its name is an abbreviation consisting of the words "play" and "good". By the way, "Legend" , loved by many children, is located exactly in Denmark!

Features of the Danish mentality

Interesting information about Denmark also concerns the features of the way of life of its population. A typical Dane is a democratic man (the queen will also talk to you if you meet her at the residence), taking care of the environment, eating natural products, law-abiding (there are practically no prisons), calm, caring about his own coziness. Residents of the country are fans of the sport lifestyle. Practically every Dane has a bicycle, and he spends his free time in the gym.

The government ensures that every resident of Denmark is aware of the events taking place in the world, therefore, public transport stops in cities with a population of over 300 thousand people are equipped with special boxes with fresh newspapers.

Interesting information about Denmark, we can tell endlessly, because here was born and created the storyteller Andersen, Lars Ulrich, who founded the Metallica group. In the kingdom built the third in the world along the length of the Belt Bridge. But if you want to know about Denmark the most interesting, be sure to visit this fabulous country!