How to use a coffee machine?

We decided not to torment ourselves with a surrogate every morning, bought an electric coffee machine, but did not have time to figure out how to use it? Not scary, now we'll figure it out. True, the use of the carob will differ from the use of the coffee machine, which is why we will consider how to use each type of this utensil separately. True, there is one general rule for a coffee maker of any type - the first use should be without coffee to remove the specific odor and possible debris.

How to use a geyser coffee machine?

Geyser coffee makers of this type are called because of the principle of operation and design features. In the geyser coffee machine there is a vertical tube through which water vapor enters the cup with coffee. With a certain amount of imagination, a working coffee maker will indeed resemble a table geyser.

How to use a geyser coffee machine? First, we pour water into the coffee machine (if we do cappuccino, then pour the water to the bottom mark on the container, if the coffee is cooked ordinary, then pour the water to the top). Next, we put a vertical, extending downward, tube. In the bowl we pour coffee, not ramming, and tightly close the coffee machine. Then press the corresponding button on the body and wait for the end of cooking.

How to use the espresso machine correctly?

What distinguishes a coffee machine from other similar devices? Apparently, from the title, this coffee maker has a horn (filter) that separates the ground grains from the drink. The principle of operation is standard - when heated, water from the tank evaporates, passes through the ground coffee, and at the output you get a fragrant drink with a wonderful foam.

The principle of using this coffee machine is practically the same as any other, but there is one feature. Namely, the way the coffee is placed in the coffee machine. Ground coffee should not just fall asleep in the horn, but properly tamper. In this case, the diameter of the pestle used for ramming must completely match the diameter of the horn, otherwise the result may not be pleasant to you. And often advise a cup, from which you plan to eat a drink, preheat.

How to use a drip coffee machine?

Drip coffee makers are the cheapest at the moment, and you now understand why. Heated water drips onto the mesh with coffee, passing through the coffee powder, the water enters the coffee pot. This is all, more with coffee nothing happens. As a result, the drink turns out to be less saturated and aromatic than when cooking coffee in other types of coffee machines. No matter how hard you try, you can not make real coffee with a drip coffee machine, coffee powder just does not have time to give all the flavor and aroma. In addition, to weld coffee in the drip coffee machine, the process is long - the water falls on the coffee by a drop. And if one portion to wait is not problematic, then filling more cups will have to wait a decent length of time.

The way of using the drip coffee machine is simple to indecency - water was poured into the container, coffee is poured into the coffee filter (more coffee, a stronger drink) and install the filter in place. Then click on the button and wait for enough of the drink to accumulate.

How to use capsular coffee maker?

Yes, not all coffee makers are simple, as a drip. For example, a capsule coffee maker is a very interesting device. She not only makes coffee, but she pierces the capsules herself. The punctured capsule with coffee powder rushes air, and then water. To make coffee in such a coffee maker is not a cheap exercise - one should not buy coffee, but disposable capsules. True, some manufacturers produce reusable capsules for their coffee makers. But it is worth remembering that these capsules are not universal, and are suitable only for a certain variety of capsular coffee makers.