Fur coat from muskrat

If you decide to purchase a beautiful fur coat, we recommend you to look at the products of the muskrat fur. Such fur coats are very similar in appearance to mink coats , although they are much cheaper.

Features of fur

If you look at the photo of fur coats from muskrat, you can see that its fur is very shiny, beautiful and dense. This is due to the fact that the muskrat is a water animal, therefore its wool has a high water resistance. That is, by purchasing a fur coat from muskrat, one can be sure that you do not get wet if you accidentally fall under rain or snow.

Most appreciated are the skins of muskrat silver-gray and silver-blue, however, the natural color may vary depending on the habitat, the season and the age of the animal. Ondatras live in Europe, and in Asia, and in Russia, and in North America. But the fur is most highly valued, imported from Canada. Coats from the Canadian muskrat are much more expensive than their counterparts.

Ondatrovye fur coats are not very durable, although modern technologies of processing and making fur allow long to keep a good appearance of the thing. Even with proper care the service life of muskrat does not exceed 6-7 seasons, and on average reaches 5 seasons.

Models of muskrat coats

The dressing of muskrat skins is no different from the processing of other types of fur. Skins tanjatsja, are cleaned and dry. Next, the skins are cut so that they are made pieces of a similar size. After of them a fur coat is sewn. The muskrat can be painted, however, natural products are more common. Then, when buying a fur coat, you just need to check the quality of the fur: it should quickly take its shape after crushing, the hairs of the fur should not break or be kneaded, and the seams should be sealed without protruding threads and coarse joints. High quality Czech cats from muskrat differ. They can be found in Russian stores at a very attractive price. Fur coats from the muskrat from the Czech Republic will please you with an attractive appearance throughout the service of the thing.

From the fur of this water animal, short and long models of fur coats are also performed. Often it is complemented by the collar or the edge of the hood of other types of fur, although it itself looks very expensive and high quality. If desired, you can find and painted models of muskrat, with colors ranging from pastel to bright and screaming. In addition, designers offer modern women of fashion a large number of fur coats from a sheared muskrat, in which the fur is combined with the skin, which looks very interesting and unusual.