Shungit water is good and bad

High-carbon rock, called schungite, is a valuable chemical substance for traditional and traditional medicine. Supporters of the alternative approach actively promoted shungitovaya water - the benefits and harms of this fluid is compared with the properties of natural mineral sources. In this case, it is important to distinguish myths from reality and pay attention to the results of official scientific research.

Benefits of schungite water

For the conservative and folk medicine, the concept of "shungite water" is fundamentally different.

In the first case we are talking about mineral water that has passed through rocks with shales containing more than 25% of schungite matter. It really has unique healing qualities:

As for folk medicine, shungite water is understood as a tap water infused in a vessel containing several stones of the corresponding rocks. She is credited with miraculous characteristics and the ability to heal almost all known diseases, both internal and external. In this case, the beneficial properties of shungite water are controversial. Scientific studies have confirmed only the purifying effect of this method of obtaining a solution. After infusing water on the shungite, it is deprived of a certain bacterial microflora, pathogenic fungi, some harmful organic and inorganic compounds. But the therapeutic properties of such a liquid are not proven, so its use should be treated more skeptical.

Contraindications to the use of schungite water

To avoid negative side effects or unpredictable complications, the use of the described substance is not recommended with the following problems:

Even in the absence of contraindications, it is better to first agree on the consumption of shungite water with your doctor.