Balsam ampel - growing from seeds

Balsamin is a rather popular indoor and garden plant, numbering more than 300 species, including one-year and perennial, upright, climbing and ampel specimens. Among the cultural balsamins , Waller's balsam is the most popular.

How to grow an ampel balsam from seeds?

For the cultivation of ampel balsam from seeds, F1 hybrids obtained on the basis of Waller balsam are suitable. In this case, sowing of balsam seeds for seedlings must be performed 100 days before the proposed planting of plants in the soil. This time is about mid-March.

If you plant seed earlier, additional seedling highlighting will be required. Soil for planting should consist of peat , sand, vermiculite, compost or leaf earth. Sand and vermiculite are necessary for looseness.

The primer and the seedling box are treated with a fungicide or phytosporin to prevent the appearance of the fungus. The seeds themselves also preferably 10 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, followed by rinsing them under warm water.

Next, the seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, slightly pressing and slightly sprinkling with sand. The container with moistened soil and seeds is removed under a film or glass and kept at a temperature of + 22..25 ° C in a lighted place.

With the appearance of sprouts, the film (glass) is gradually removed, and when the first real leaf appears, the temperature is reduced to + 20 ° C. Gentle seedlings are afraid of direct sun. When seedlings of the first three leaves appear on the seedlings, a balm is piqued.

The volume of the pot for ampel balsam should not be too large, otherwise the plant will not bloom. The flower does not like the stagnation of moisture, so you need to water it a little, but every day. Balsam can be planted in the open ground with the onset of stable heat without the threat of frost.