Heidi Klum and Seal will spend the weekend in a ski resort

Star weekend is always in the spotlight of the paparazzi, and the ex-spouses Heidi Klum and Seal did not stay aside. Despite the divorce four years ago, the couple maintains a warm relationship and they repeatedly told each other words of gratitude for the "happy" years of marriage. Joint weekends are an integral part of their family traditions and the opportunity to raise children in an atmosphere of love.

Recently, the paparazzi captured a large family shopping at a sports store. Employed by fitting and discussing purchases, they did not pay attention to the obsessive photojournalist. On the eve of the family Thanksgiving holiday, Heidi and Seal with children selected ski suits, snowboards and uniforms to conquer mountain peaks.

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Recall that the couple lived together for seven years and was considered one of the most exemplary in the world of show business, but, unfortunately, Heidi and Seal broke up and to this day only maintain friendly relations.