Signs for Christmas in the church

Many people believe in various signs and predictions. It is up to you to decide whether it is possible to rely on various similar things in life or simply to regard them as insignificant coincidences. But, those who believe in this, learn about the signs in the church for Christmas at Christmas will not be superfluous.

Money signs in the church at Christmas

According to folk wisdom, if this holiday falls on a Sunday, the whole next year will be successful. In order not to frighten away fortune and draw money into your life, you should visit the church on that day, put a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin and read the "Our Father". It is necessary to thank the divine forces for all the benefits given to man.

If a person wants that in the next year there are no quarrels and strife in his family, then on the eve of the holiday put the trash can on the street and take it back only after sunrise. Also, it is not superfluous to put honey on the festive table, this will help bring prosperity and calmness to the house.

Church signs for Christmas also prescribe not to drink alcohol on this holiday. It is believed that, thus, a person attracts into his life prosperity and well-being. People who know folk stories say that moderation in food and drink on this day will lead to an increase in income.

It is recommended to meet a holiday only in clothes of light color, and in any way not in gray or black. It is believed that such a simple action will help not only improve their financial situation, but also avoid diseases and sorrows in the coming year. Even a handkerchief to visit the service should take a bright and colorful, rich "joyful" and light shades of scare the evil spirit, drive her out of the house and will not allow people to repair dirty tricks.

A good omen is considered to be the service of the Church at Christmas, and afterwards give it to all the poor who are sitting next to her, though not of great dignity, but with money. After such an action, one can expect that the material problems will be resolved in the best way, and the income in the next year will increase.

If a person saw a dead person at the church on Christmas day, the signs are advised to put a candle behind the repose of his soul and, in any case, do not go out until the coffin is taken out of the holy building. It is believed that only in this way it is possible to avoid misfortunes and not to attract illness or sorrow into one's life.