Hilary Baldwin has one more child in mind!

Favorite wife of actor Alec Baldwin, Hilaria, recently surprised the public with a strange statement. She said that she wants to give her husband another baby, a fourth. Given that Baldwin has another, already an adult daughter from a previous marriage with his colleague Kim Basinger, then if Hilary keeps his word, he will become the father of five children!

What is most interesting, the very potential father-boy, fully supports the aspiration of his half.

Like on a roller coaster

Here's what Hilary told the journalists:

"I want another baby, and this is my final decision. Probably, you also will not believe, but I have a desire to give birth again, as soon as I give birth to the "previous" baby. That is, childbirth provokes the desire to repeat the entire process anew. This can be compared to a ride on a roller coaster. When it's all over, you scream "Wow! Want more!". And this fills me with strength. "

It seems that Hilary has no problems, and she fully consciously decided to give birth, but not everything is so simple! She is embarrassed that not just one kid may appear, but twins or triplets.

After a little reflection, Mrs. Baldwin added that in her family no one had twins, so most likely this kind of continuation of the genus does not threaten her.

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In any case, she plans to begin to implement her intention in the very near future.