Celery herring - good and bad

Celery herring - a product that is not only a bright taste, but also its beneficial effect on the body. Herring caviar is gaining popularity every year. No wonder, because it is available to everyone. Do not be surprised at her popularity on our table.

What is useful for herring caviar?

The high content of lecithin in herring roe contributes to the following processes occurring in the human body:

The benefits of herring eggs are huge, in comparison with the possible harm from its use. Omega-3 fatty acids, which enter into its composition, are necessary for good cardiac work and blood vessels. Caviar for people in a state of depression and chronic fatigue is very useful. It is recommended to eat for people with thyroid disease.

Pregnant women need to include this product in their diet in order to properly form the future child's brain.

Vitamins contained in herring eggs are important for the full functioning of the body. It is rich in vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium , vitamin B, E and A. The herring is also enriched with amino acids, microelements - zinc, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iodine, potassium and sulfur.

Cosmetology also did not leave caviar without attention. Masks made on its basis, have a rejuvenating, smoothing and pulling action.

But do not forget about the possible dangers, which is fraught with herring caviar. This product is the strongest allergen.