Influenza with breastfeeding

There are new strains of influenza every year, some of them can be very dangerous, for example, the so-called "swine" or "avian flu". Not surprisingly, during epidemics, nursing mothers are concerned about prevention and treatment of influenza in lactation. They are also concerned about the possibility of breastfeeding during the period of illness.

Is flu and breastfeeding compatible?

Some doctors still advise breastfeeding women who are ill with flu during lactation to stop breastfeeding, arguing that the baby can become infected through breast milk. But the fact is that by the time when mother finds out flu in her feeding, the causative agent of the disease has already been transferred to the child. However, along with milk, the baby receives not only the influenza virus, but also maternal antibodies, as well as enzymes and hormones, vitamins and minerals that strengthen immunity. Therefore, in no case should you wean the baby from the breast or boil the milk.

Drugs for flu in lactation

Influenza in breastfeeding is a disease dangerous with a large number of serious complications. Therefore, the nursing mother is necessary at the very beginning of the illness to see a doctor for treatment.

Most combined flu medications are not compatible with breastfeeding. When influenza during lactation, interferon preparations are allowed ("Viferon", "Grippferon"). By the way, they should be taken as a prophylaxis for influenza during lactation during epidemics.

Reduce the temperature can be paracetamol for breastfeeding and drugs based on it, as well as "Nurofen." Relieve nasal breathing "Nazivin", "Naphthyzine", "Pinosol", nose mucosa must be moistened with sprays based on sea water. From the cough will help breastfeeding, licorice root, Lazolvan, Gedelix, Doctor Mom.