Dysentery - symptoms

Diseases of dirty hands are used to frighten children, but very often adults themselves forget about the seriousness of the problem. One of the most unpleasant consequences of non-compliance with hygiene standards is the symptoms of dysentery. This severe infectious disease causes many problems and is not always easy to treat.

What are the symptoms of dysentery in humans?

Dysentery affects the stomach. Its causative agent is a special E. coli, which is most comfortable in conditions of unsanitary conditions and is characterized by a very high survival rate. Affect the disease can adults and children.

Usually, the disease is very acute - so that it is simply impossible not to pay attention to it. The incubation period of dysentery does not last long - from two to five days, in some patients the first manifestations of the disease can be noticed immediately after the penetration of the rod into the body.

The main symptoms of Flexner dysentery in adults include the following:

  1. Everything starts with a slight chill and weakness.
  2. The temperature of the infected person rises sharply. At the same time, traditional medicines can not be brought down with it, and the heat can last for several days.
  3. At the initial stages of the disease, there is acute pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. Some patients have to feel all the manifestations of toxicosis.
  5. Obligatory symptoms are diarrhea and nausea, accompanied by vomiting. Acts of defecation in this case in most cases deliver painful sensations.
  6. When dysentery patients lose their appetite and suffer from the main symptoms of dehydration: dry skin and mucous, constant thirst, pressure spikes.

With an acute form of dysentery, the symptoms are slightly different. Most patients in this case suffer from serious problems in the work of the cardiovascular system. Almost always the disease is accompanied by extremely severe headaches and dizziness.

Any form of dysentery is accompanied by frequent defecation. In acute form, it may even be difficult for some patients to count the number of trips to the toilet. Continue all this can up to a week or more.

If the disease does not recede beyond three months, a chronic dysentery is diagnosed, the symptoms of which are as follows:

Against the background of chronic dysentery, many develop dysbacteriosis and hypovitaminosis.

In general, the course of the disease largely depends on the patient's health, his lifestyle and the treatment chosen.

Symptoms of amoebic dysentery

One of the varieties of the disease is amoebic dysentery or amoebiasis. This disease is characterized by ulcerative lesions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular - the intestine). In addition, with amebiasis, inflammatory processes in the liver and brain can develop. Sometimes the disease moves to other organs. Of course, people living in hot tropical climates who do not observe basic hygiene standards are more susceptible to illness. And yet anyone can become infected with amebiasis.

You can establish amebiasis with the help of laboratory tests. The first symptoms of amoebic dysentery appear only a couple of days after infection. The main manifestations of the disease are as follows:

Among other things, some patients suffer from dehydration.