How to choose a thermoset?

Thermosocks are a modern development. Thanks to the use of high-tech materials in their composition, they allow you to regulate the temperature of the legs, keeping it comfortable for normal life. Consider how to choose a thermoset.

Selection of thermos

Thermosocks are made of special materials, the properties of which are significantly different from the cotton and wool we habitually have. The composition of thermocarriers may vary depending on the purpose for which they are intended. But usually they feel like a fabric, from which the thermal underwear is made. There are several categories of such socks. They differ depending on what kind of work you will perform in them: there are thermosetting for training in the gym, for winter sports , for tourism or traveling, and thermoswocks for every day. To which category belongs one or another pair, you can find out from the information on the package. There should also be indicated to which temperatures the set of socks is designed.

The main functions that a thermoset should perform are warming the feet in frost, removing excess moisture formed on the surface of the feet, preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor and multiplying microorganisms.

How to wear thermos fasteners?

Before wearing a thermoset, you need to know how to choose the right thermoset for the winter. It is necessary to carefully study the label and compare the data obtained from it about the lowest possible temperature for thermosetting, with the one in which you have to wear them. Then you should pay attention to which activity they are designed for. Finally, it's important to choose the right size, because only well-chosen socks will perform all the functions they contain in the maximum. Although more often men are interested in acquiring these socks, there are also women's winter thermoconamics, which are distinguished by a large number of colors and smaller sizes.

Thermosocks are not a panacea for a strong cold, so they need to be worn only with suitable footwear, which is designed for both temperature and activity level. Wipe the thermosetting need in accordance with the recommendations on the label, then they will retain their properties for a long time.