Bura in glycerin from thrush

The borax in glycerin is a long-known treatment for thrush . Despite the rather impressive age of this recipe, the debate about the effectiveness of this remedy does not subside to this day. In this article, we will analyze the therapeutic possibilities of the drug, consider how to use the borax in glycerin, describe the detailed method of application and contraindications to the use of this tool.

Buro from thrush

The pharmacological name of borax in glycerin is sodium tetraborate solution (usually 20%, but also 5% and 10% solutions are produced). With the help of borax are treated: thrush, stomatitis, tonsillitis, bedsores, fungal diseases. The borax in glycerin is used as an antiseptic for external treatment and as part of a comprehensive treatment of upper respiratory tract infections.

It is important to remember that the borax in glycerin can be used only externally, in doses and methods prescribed by a physician. Unauthorized modification of the treatment regimen or dosage can not only level the therapeutic effect of the remedy, but also harm the patient's health.

Since thrush in pregnant women is also a frequent problem, the debate about the advisability of using borax in glycerin during pregnancy and lactation does not subside. Opponents of this method of treatment recall the toxicity of sodium tetraborate (this tool is used in industry to destroy colonies of cockroaches) and the possible negative consequences of using potent chemicals for the development of the child.

In defense of this remedy, it should be said that the efficiency of borax in glycerin is quite high. And yet the period of pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated for the use of this drug. A solution of borax in glycerin is also forbidden to use in the presence of hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the agent, and also in cases when there are mechanical damages on the affected mucous tissues (wounds, cracks, sutures). If you develop anemia after using the drug, there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle, tremor or cramps in the muscles of the hands and feet - stop the treatment immediately and tell your doctor.

Borax in glycerol: a method of application

Many have heard of the efficacy of borax in glycerin, but do not know how to use this agent. Consider an example of the use of sodium tetraborate solution for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (thrush).

The minimum course of treatment for chronic thrush with the help of borax in glycerin is 3-7 days. Daily 3-4 treatments are required. In light cases, one or two treatments may be sufficient to remove symptoms, but a full course of treatment should be used to prevent relapse.

Before using the borax, spend syringing decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula or sage), a weak solution of potassium permanganate or warm boiled water.

Then moisten in the preparation a cotton swab and insert it into the vagina for 15-30 minutes. For the duration of the drug is better to lie down. In case of itching or burning, the tampon should be immediately removed and several douches should be taken with clean water.

It should be borne in mind that the action of the borax is purely local, directly on the infection site. Get rid of chronic thrush with the help of only this drug is impossible. To treat a neglected disease requires an advanced, comprehensive treatment.

For the treatment of inflammation of the tonsils or candidiasis of the oral cavity, rinses can be applied with a dilute solution of borax in glycerol (1 tablespoon salt and 0.5 tsp borax per glass of water), and also treat tonsils and inflamed throat tissues with a cotton swab dipped in solution of sodium tetraborate.