Large abdomen in pregnancy

From the very beginning of the waiting period for the baby, every future mother wants her tummy to start growing quickly. In some girls this occurs closer to the middle of pregnancy, while others are surprised to find that even at the earliest time they have a fairly large belly, or in the future it is much more noticeable than other women on the same period. Why this happens, we will tell you in our article.

The causes of the appearance of a large abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy

At an early stage of the waiting period for the baby, the belly of the pregnant woman does not grow, but swells up. It is for this reason that many girls mistakenly believe that it has already begun to grow because of the increase in the size of the fetus. In fact, bloating at an early pregnancy is due to the synthesis and active growth of progesterone cells, which, in turn, causes the occurrence of flatulence.

In addition, some girls already at an early date change their taste preferences. All kinds of inaccuracies in the diet and improper diet can provoke various disorders in the digestive tract and, accordingly, bloating.

Causes of a large abdomen during pregnancy

Beginning with the 20th week of pregnancy, changes in the size of your abdomen should be carefully monitored. In some situations, its excess indicates a problem with the health of a future mother or a problem in the development of the baby, for example:

Finally, a very large abdomen is observed in a multiple pregnancy, which is explained by completely natural causes and does not require the intervention of medical workers.

In addition, some girls who are no longer the first child, wonder why the second pregnancy belly more. This is due to the fact that the anterior abdominal wall of a previously delivered woman is not as elastic as the primipara. That is why, under the weight of a growing baby and amniotic fluid, it quickly protrudes, and the stomach is slightly larger.