Fanaticism as a psychological phenomenon - types and signs

The brain of a healthy person is able to miss up to 10 thousand thoughts a day. In fanatics, life circumstances and actions are subject to one dominant thought, because of what they can not switch to everyday problems and needs. If they succeed, then mechanically and for a short time. Fanatics live in constant stress.

Fanaticism - what is it?

"Fanaticism" is translated from Latin as "frenzy." People who suffer from this pathology have atrophied doubt - they blindly believe in an idea or a person who have excited and impressed them, idolizing their ideal. Fanatics are different from ordinary people by their willingness to sacrifice their own and others' lives, denying criticism, social norms and common sense. Such people do not realize the destructive consequences of their behavior.

Fanaticism is a mental illness that can affect any sphere. In the international classification there are 7 types of the disease, some of them are normally perceived in society:

Signs of bigotry

Fanaticism has two degrees - the middle and the extreme. The average degree is often found and manifests itself in the fact that a person is subject to a dominant idea, but does not bring it to the point of absurdity and does not impose on others. The extreme degree of a mental disorder is diagnosed less often and is expressed in the rigid imposition of its choice on other people, tyranny towards them, including torture and other forms of physical violence. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the following deviations from the norm:

  1. A fanatic takes to heart the events concerning his idol. He suffers, falls into depression, up to suicide because of the marriage of an idol, the loss of a favorite football club.
  2. A person accompanies the object of worship on tour, on duty at home, buys accessories and attributes associated with it.
  3. Fanatic people constantly talk about the "idea fix" - other topics do not interest them.
  4. Interests and hobbies that used to be in joy go to the background.
  5. Fanatic aggressively reacts to any attacks of those around him, concerning the object or subject of his worship.

Fanaticism towards man

This kind of mental disorder differs from others in that a person becomes the object of the persecution and worship of a fanatic. Often the victim of fanaticism is a popular singer, musician, actor and other famous person. The main danger of such a state in its stability - the closer an idol, the more dangerous the behavior of his fans. The modern stage knows hundreds of cases when fans in ecstasy tore clothing on celebrities, broke into their homes, pursued on tour.

Fanaticism can manifest itself in relation to a person of the opposite sex. This form of frustration is often confused with love. The love of a woman for a man implies a sober assessment of the merits and demerits of her partner, and a fanatical enthusiasm idealizes and deifies him, worships, does not notice flaws, justifies any words and deeds of his deity.

Sports fanaticism

A sports fanatic is a person who is normally perceived by society. The army of football fans comes to other cities and countries to support their favorite team. Matches end peacefully or with fights, which the fans are initiating. In modern society, this behavior is considered a fan movement, a subculture or part of a sports game. To distinguish a fan from a regular fan can be on the following grounds:

  1. Abuse of beer and other alcoholic beverages.
  2. Doping (light drugs, tablets, energy).
  3. Permissiveness in words and actions during and after the competition.

Religious fanaticism

Religious fanatics erect their religion in the cult, denying the existence of other religions. They and their like-minded people are driven by the desire to rule over the Gentiles. Group values ​​fanatics are elevated to a cult of worship - they blindly believe a religious leader, unquestioningly obey him and are ready to give his life, if necessary.

Muslim and Orthodox fanaticism are equally dangerous extremist aspirations. New members of the sect "brainwashed" for 2-3 weeks, and after 4-5 years of life according to the charter of the religious community, the changes become irreversible. Any cult combines the same attributes:

  1. They have a leader who calls himself the Messiah.
  2. They are ruled by a totalitarian system and philosophy.
  3. Members of the cult unquestioningly obey the rules of the community.
  4. Fanatics unquestioningly give property and money for the benefit of the community.

How to become fanatics?

The psychology of fanaticism identifies 3 reasons that push a person to change.

  1. Envy of others' successes.
  2. Low self-esteem.
  3. A famous person who has achieved everything and shines.

The psychology of religious fanaticism is built on the despair of a person when he finds himself in a difficult life situation and does not see a way out of it. At such times he goes into religion and imperceptibly falls under the influence of adepts of the sect. They inspire him with knowledge of the "right path", sympathize, express a willingness to support and talk about problems that they themselves have faced recently. Fanatics flee from reality to religion, not out of love for God, but from their suffering and the indifference of others.

How to get rid of fanaticism?

Fanaticism as a psychological phenomenon appeared in the 17th century, when the Catholic Bishop Bossuet introduced this concept into everyday life. Successful disposal of the disease is possible if:

  1. A fanatic will understand that his statements are false.
  2. Learn to analyze obsessive thoughts and look at the situation from the other side.
  3. Will switch to other events.
  4. Increase self-esteem.
  5. Seek help from a psychologist.

Movies about fanatics

Fanaticism in love, religion, sport and any social sphere is a sign of emotional instability, impressionability, lack of leadership qualities, suggestibility. About fanatics dozens of films have been shot - they talk about what is fraught with blind faith and following idols, religious servility.

  1. "Fan" with Robert De Niro - a drama about the complex relationship of a professional athlete and his fan.
  2. "Master" tells of a sailor who got a job at a photo studio after the war. In time, the former soldier falls under the influence of the religious leader and begins preaching his covenants.
  3. "Die, John Tucker!" The plot of the film tells of a school macho, who wants to take revenge on his three former girls. They are not stopped by the fact that the lure in a cunning plan is a girl who has just arrived in the city.