How to draw a postcard to my mom?

Mom is the dearest and dearest person in the whole world. That's why for a birthday or some other holiday, the kids rush to please their moms with original and beautiful postcards made with their little hands. Such an invaluable gift, in which children's love and care is invested, will be kept forever, and even after a while mother will warm her heart and make her smile.

As well as what card can be drawn to my mother, the children are taught in kindergarten or in junior school, but if the kid does not attend educational institutions, then the head of the family - father should take the initiative.

Today we will help our dear men to cope with such an impossible task, and we will offer several options on how to draw a beautiful postcard to my mother in stages.

Example 1

If there is a birthday coming on or March 8, we traditionally give our beloved mummies flowers. To coincide with the holiday, you can post a card with a drawn bouquet of spring tulips.

So, let's start:

  1. Prepare everything you need: a simple pencil, an eraser, paints or markers, put together a sheet of cardboard in half - this will be a blank for the postcard.
  2. At the top of the sheet, draw three small ovals.
  3. Then we'll wrap our bouquet.
  4. Now, focus on the colors themselves, look at the picture and add the petals.
  5. It's time to tackle the stems and leaves.
  6. Finish with a wrapper, erase the error and you can consider the sketch of our bouquet ready.

Example 2

  1. Thinking about what kind of postcard you can draw to your beloved mother, consider the option with such a cute bear cub.
  2. First, draw a circle that will serve as a head, an oval instead of the trunk and auxiliary lines on the head.
  3. Next, let's look at the drawing of the face: eyes, ears, nose.
  4. Then we proceed to the trunk, draw the front and back legs, add decorative seams.
  5. Wipe the auxiliary lines, correct the errors.

Here, in fact, we figured out how to draw this wonderful postcard to my mother in stages.