Séguin's Board

The boards of the forms of Séguin were invented by the French physician and pedagogue Eduard Segen, which is why they got their name. Segen was engaged in oligophrenopedagogics and faced the task of diagnosing children with mental disorders without resorting to speech function. Since, as a rule, mentally retarded children are distinguished by a violation of auditory perception and simply do not understand what they are told.

The essence of the methodology

The method of the Séguin boards is a picture cut out and placed on a special board, which must be disassembled and assembled. At the same time, different levels of complexity of the task are distinguished. For example, by selecting the color, shape or sorting of pictures by subject classification (nature, animals, etc.).

In order to exclude negativism in the child due to lack of understanding of the task, the teacher first shows the child how the figures are taken out of the board and in what order the pictures are inserted back. At the same time, a visual way of demonstration without resorting to speech is used, which is especially important when working with oligophrenic children.

The allowance of Séguin allows us to assess the level of the child's development:

Segen's boards can be used not only for the work and diagnosis of mentally retarded children, but also as a development tool for toddlers. Since the use of such a board together with the mother helps develop the child's logical thinking and fine motor skills, which stimulates the development of speech, and in the future also learning to read and write. The use of Ségen boards allows the toddler to get the first idea of ​​shape and color.

There is a huge variety of Séguin boards:

Various materials can be used for the production of the Séguin board:

Such a bright and interesting toy can attract the attention of an already-year-old baby. And when studying the board with the mother the child will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions.