How to find out the date of death of a person by last name?

The date of death of a close or distant relative may be needed to register an inheritance, restore historical data, or systematize the family tree. For legal documents and the creation of a genealogical tree, accurate data on the date of birth and death of a person are needed. Find out the date of death of a person by known name.

How can I find out the date of birth and death of a relative?

If you know the name and surname of a person, you can find out information about his birth and death in the district or city registry office. To apply, you need to apply directly to the registry office at the place of residence or send a request by mail. The application shall contain the personal data of the applicant:

  1. Full Name.
  2. Postal address or registration data.
  3. In some cases, a photocopy of the passport is attached.

If possible, the request should indicate all known data of the deceased person - the date of birth (at least the year of birth), the expected or exact place of residence, occupation or specific place of work.

How to find out the date of death of a person by last name, if a person has died long ago? For example, if it is necessary to establish the data of a relative, of which only remote and approximate information has been preserved, then it is necessary to apply to the city or district archive. In some cases, to obtain such information it is necessary to confirm your relationship or to issue a lawyer's request.

Another option, how to find out the date of death of a person, is to contact a local parish priest. In the pre-revolutionary times, all the acts of birth and death were recorded in the metric church book, which is a chronological list of events for a certain period. In the church's metric book, records of birth, baptism , marriage and the death of all parishioners for each year are preserved. These books, as a rule, are kept in the church or city archive.