Thompson's Clerodendrum

The birthplace of Clerodendrum thomsonae, Ms. Thompson's clerodendrum is Africa and Malaysia. In a natural environment, the plant is an evergreen vine with a lignifying stem, which reaches a height of 10 meters.

The cultivated kind of clerodendrum for domestic conditions looks different, because before the sale the plant is sprayed with chemicals that slow its growth, but give abundant flowering. It is the blossom that is famous for its clerodendrum: in the beginning of spring, on bared stems, bracts of white color appear. Against the background of a dense green foliage, cream-colored cups are blossoming, on top of which red coronals glow. Blossoms klerodendrum from spring to early autumn, subject to good light.

Clerodendrum - how to care?

At home, this plant is quite difficult to grow, in most cases it grows weakly flowering, unskilful. They grow, mainly, the brilliant, fragrant, false and clerodendrum of Mrs. Thompson. Clerodendrum of Mrs. Thompson belongs to the family of verbena, which is distinguished by the fall of the leaves. If the leaves fall off from time to time, then this is normal. In the care of Thompson's clorodendrum, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Illumination (protection from hot sun rays). In winter, due to lack of light, the plant sheds leaves, so a period of rest, that is, a content in a cool, lighted place, is necessary. The best option is the windowsill of the window facing south. Do not overdo it in the lighting of the flower, because you can burn its leaves under direct sunlight. Best of all, choose a place with scattered light coming.
  2. Frequent watering in the warm season, as the upper layer of the soil dries up - about once a week. In winter, watering is limited. The soil should be moistened, but not wet, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.
  3. High humidity . For the clerodendrum, natural conditions are tropical forests with their high humidity. Therefore, caring for the plant, it is important to remember the frequent spraying. You can put the flower on a pallet with water or wet pebbles. It is important to isolate the clerodendrum from central heating batteries.
  4. Top dressing in spring and summer with liquid fertilizers. It is carried out every seven days.
  5. Provide a period of rest . In winter, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the room, in which the plant is up to +15 ° C. It is during this period that the plant takes off part of its leaves. If you provide a period of calm development, then you can expect a rapid flowering in spring and summer. If the temperature in winter is above +15 ° C, the flower will not discard the leaves, will not "rest", and, consequently, can not then bloom.

Clerodendrum transplantation

For the transplantation of clerodendrum, a soil consisting of clay, peat, sand and leaf land in equal proportions is used. The transplant is carried out once every two years after the end of the rest period.

How to propagate clerodendrum?

Propagation of Thorpson's clerodendrum is performed by cuttings. It is also possible to propagate clerodendrum seeds and layers. When multiplying by seeds, it is necessary to take into account that flowering will not occur earlier than in the second year. The root with the formed root system is planted in early spring.

How to pinch the clerodendrum?

In an adult plant, the stems are plucked to give it a bushy, compact shape. To do this, after the flowering period (or at the end of the rest period), the shoots are severely cut with a pruner not lower than 7 cm from the soil level. An interesting fact is that some adults, strong plants can independently regulate themselves its size. In winter, they themselves dry some of their shoots.

Diseases of the plant

Of the frequent diseases of the clerodendrum, the defeat is marked with scutes , a spider mite and the shedding of flowers, buds due to the dryness of the air. If parasite damage is not strong, then you can treat the flower with a soap solution, in case of serious injury, treat with insecticides. If Thompson's klorodendrum does not bloom, then you need to pay attention to the rest period, since it is the winter dormancy period that gives a good start to bloom. From the end of January it is necessary to increase watering, from March to introduce a good top dressing. With too bright, midday sunlight, the leaves of the clerodendrum begin to turn yellow and black spots form on them.