Character of a person by facial features

The human body has long been considered a source of precious information about its owner. Many people try to determine the past, the present and predict the fate by the lines of hands. By birthmarks, eyes, hair, craftsmen learn a lot of interesting things about the person .

Also, a man for a long time was interested in what the features of his face say. The desire to learn this has grown into a whole science and continues to amaze with its discoveries.

Characteristics of a person by facial features

There are 5 main features of the face: eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nose and ears, the features of which we now consider.

It is worth noting that the nature of women on the facial features is more difficult to determine than that of men, because the fair sex uses cosmetics that can hide some of the subtleties. However, the eyes and the shape of the face remain the same, so they can tell a lot about it.

Identify the psychology of a person by facial features only by experienced professionals. However, we will try to consider their main characteristics.

What are the features of the face?

  1. Eyebrows . The wider, tougher and thicker this part of the face, the stubborn person. Raised in the middle of the arc of eyebrows, can talk about cruelty and enterprise. Conversely, thin, narrow eyebrows attest to nobility. Short eyebrows distinguish an amorous nature, and her long intellect.
  2. Eyes . To characterize a person by such facial features as the eyes, you can without much effort. Big eyes speak of receptivity, sensitivity, masculinity and imperiousness, small express stubbornness, complacency and jealousy. If eyelids are lowered to the middle, it gives out the discernment and dexterity of a person. The sagging eyelid along the entire length means that this nature is warm and feminine.
  3. The nose . Defining the psychology of a person by such a trait as a nose, one must take into account the following, a long nose is characteristic of conservatives, a very long one - to intellectuals and capricious natures, long and broad speaks of a calm temperament and sustainable character, and a short one gives out an open and friendly optimist.
  4. Mouth . If a person has a big mouth, it means that he is more inclined to a career than to a homely, measured life. A small mouth speaks of a weak character , and thin lips are a sign of cruelty. Plump lips give out the kindness and sensuality of nature.
  5. Ears . If the ears stick out, then it means that you are a sensitive person, capable at first to do, and then to argue. If the width of the ear is less than the height, then this person is weak. One ear above the other is a sign of a stubborn and passionate person.