How to stop hair loss?

Hair loss is a natural process. The hair is constantly changing, and in a normal day a person loses about 100 hairs. If the head is constantly itching and the hair falls out too intensively, then this is an occasion to reflect on their strengthening or even treatment.

Causes of hair loss

Find out if you lose a lot of hair, you can by washing your hair. If the hair falls out during washing, it means that the hair follicles are so weak that they can not hold the hair. Also note how much hair remains on the pillow after sleeping and on the comb. Add to them those that are lost on the street. If the calculation is not in your favor, no doubt, it is worth contacting a specialist who will tell you how to treat hair and scalp, and will give recommendations for care.

The reasons for which hair fall out strongly, can be several:

Some reasons can be easily and quickly eliminated at home, some require medical treatment under the supervision of a doctor. That is, in order to understand how to treat, you first need to find out the reason why hair falls out.

Treatment of hair loss

Experts advise those who drop their hair to undergo diagnostics, which will form the basis of further treatment. This method is the most expensive, but also the most correct in solving this problem.

But there are folk remedies that are used to treat if your precious hair falls out. One of the effective ways in the folk treatment of hair loss is burdock or castor oil . Apply a slightly warmed oil to hair and scalp, put a cap or towel on top. This mask should be kept for 15-20 minutes. Try to relax and rest at this time.

A good remedy is the onion juice (2 tablespoons) mixed with honey (1 teaspoon). You can also make masks from yogurt or yogurt. Pre-fermented milk product should be slightly heated. The beneficial effect is on the hair chicken yolk. Rub it before washing your head in your hair, then wash it as usual.

How to strengthen hair falling out?

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later. This also applies to the prevention of hair loss.

  1. If you feel that your hair is weak, lost elasticity, shine, try to do a daily scalp massage - carry it out you need two times a day with your hands or a wooden comb.
  2. Also, a contrast shower is useful, which will stimulate the blood supply, and after a few weeks the hair will begin to shine again.
  3. In some cases, it is advisable to make a shorter haircut in order to reduce the load on the follicle.
  4. Once a week, make a hair mask - a good effect is given as a mask, cooked at home, and sold in stores.
  5. Try to eat right and balanced. Eat cottage cheese, fish, vegetables, greens, do not forget about vitamins.
  6. When washing, add a couple of drops of essential oil to the shampoo - it will give the hair strength and soften the scalp.
  7. Love and care for your hair, and they will respond to you with a healthy glow, vitality and beauty.