Menopause - Symptoms

At a certain age, all women begin to notice changes in their body. On the face appears more and more wrinkles, the skin becomes flabby. There are disorders of sleep, hot flashes, sweating. Everything around starts annoying, you often experience weakness and malaise. All this may be the first signs of beginning menopause.

Menopause - a natural process of extinction of childbearing function in the body of a woman. In other words, the possibility of natural conception and the birth of a child disappears.

How many years does menopause occur?

The average age of a woman with menopause is 50 years. But this can happen, as before (in 43-47 years), and later. Many factors influence the onset of menopause. For example, genetic predisposition, emotional shocks, frequent stress, hard physical work, residence and sexual activity.

Symptoms of the onset of menopause

The onset of menopause is characterized primarily by the violation of the cycle. Many women during this period experience other signs of menopause, such as sweating, apathy, hot flashes, and shortness of breath. In connection with the change in the hormonal background, women can observe the fragility of the nails and hair loss. But let's talk about everything in order.

When menopause occurs, the body undergoes global changes at the hormonal level. This is manifested by tides - short-term sensations of heat in the face, neck, arms and chest. The skin can then turn red, and you, most likely, will experience lack of air, dizziness, weakness.

In connection with the violation of thermoregulation, there may be increased sweating, especially at night.

The main symptoms of menopause in women are impoverishment or irregular menstruation. In addition to the violation of the cycle, you may notice a change in the nature of the selections. Most often they become scarce and eventually disappear at all. Or maybe a different situation, the monthly may disappear unexpectedly, and then, for example, in a year, again appear.

During menopause, the beautiful half of humanity often complains of loss of sexual appetite. This is due to the fact that in the body of a woman during this period there is a decreased level of estrogen. Namely, this hormone is responsible for the libido. Because of the lack of this hormone, dryness in the vagina is possible, which causes discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Urinary incontinence is also a sign of a lack of estrogen. The thing is that the muscle tone of the genito-urinary tract decreases. This does not mean that you have to wear a diaper. Incontinence can be manifested by the discharge of urine drops during physical exertion, coughing or sneezing.

The onset of menopause is very often accompanied by depression. A woman loses the ability to experience joy, self-esteem sharply decreases. Interest to life and work disappears. These conditions are now corrected with the help of hormonal drugs. They should only be used as directed by the doctor.

Another unpleasant symptom of the onset of menopause is weight gain. Many women, even those who have been slim all their life, can earn themselves extra pounds during this period. Everything is again connected with a change in the hormonal background. To save you from this can proper nutrition and regular exercise. Smash meals, do not eat too much at a time. It is better to eat three times, but a little bit. To keep yourself in shape, take the rule of daily exercise and more walking.

The onset of menopause is a rather unpleasant episode in the life of a woman. But thanks to modern medicine, we can rid ourselves of many symptoms and ease our health.