Diet number 5 - menu for every day

Diet number 5 is known to those who have ever encountered problems with the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Such a diet is curative, and it was developed by the Soviet dietician Mikhail Pevzner. It helps by stopping the exacerbation of illnesses and causing the pain to retreat. It is possible to observe this dietary and therapeutic diet independently, but only if it is known that there is the presence of one of the diseases.

Diet number five is full, because it contains fats, proteins and carbohydrates , which allows you to saturate the body with the necessary substances. Many people are interested in what you can eat and what you can not do with diet number 5. The use of fatty foods, fried foods, products containing purines and cholesterol is excluded. But the consumption of foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates will make such a diet not only curative, but also contributing to weight loss.

Diet number 5 with gastritis

Diet number 5 is prescribed by specialists and with gastric diseases - gastritis and cholecystitis. The principle of nutrition with such a diet is that you need to include in your diet a full-fledged food that will have a beneficial effect on the body, thereby normalizing the liver, clearing the biliary tract and improving the secretion of bile.

Diet number 5 menu for every day

To anyone who is interested in the menu of diet number 5, it is important to know that in foods that can be consumed, it is necessary to keep enough protein and carbohydrates. Under the prohibition of eating food with refractory fats. Dishes should only be boiled, cooked steamed, baked and in rare cases stewed. Very cold dishes from the menu are best excluded.

What can I do?

  1. Eat at least five times a day and stick to a certain time between meals.
  2. The first dishes should be cooked on vegetable broth, eat borsch without meat and do not use roast for soups.
  3. Of the meat products allowed poultry meat, young beef, chicken, young turkey.
  4. Allowed the use of dairy products (except cream, fatty milk, fatty sour cream and cottage cheese, hot and salty cheese).
  5. You can use egg products, but exclude fried eggs and hard-boiled eggs.
  6. You can use a variety of cereals for cooking cereals.

What is not allowed?

  1. As for flour products, it is worth to give up a very fresh bread, sweet and fried dough, roasted.
  2. Exclude meat and mushroom broths, okroshka, green borsch.
  3. Do not eat with this diet fatty meat, liver, duck, liver, sausages (only milk or doctoral is allowed).
  4. Meat and canned fish can also not be consumed while observing the diet menu 5 for each day.
  5. Under the prohibition of eating such vegetables: spinach, sorrel, radish, onions, garlic, mushrooms, marinades.

Sample diet menu 5

First breakfast:


Vegetarian soup for lunch:



Before going to bed it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir.

Diet number 5 and compliance with its menu, will help improve the body's work, relieve the problems with the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.

By using products rich in proteins and slow carbohydrates, you can lose weight , improve your health, get rid of many diseases.