How to stretch denim shorts?

For some reason sometimes things can become small. Especially often it happens with jeans or denim shorts. After all, they are easily amenable to shrinkage. And then the question arises, how to adjust them to the figure, if you do not want to part with your favorite thing. First, they can be expanded, adding at the seams the decor of lace or leather, and secondly, they can be stretched.

How can I stretch the denim shorts?

Stretch jeans shorts is easier, because the effort should be applied only in the waist and hips, and not as in the case of long jeans, which need to stretch even in the legs. There are several methods:

  1. Manual . Hands or your own body can stretch the fabric of jeans shorts both in dry form and beforehand by wetting them. Wearing dry jeans on yourself, try to fasten them at least in the supine position, and then some time to do different exercises. If this method does not suit you, then it is better to soak the cloth, and to walk around in wet shorts for a while. To the body was not uncomfortable, you can moisten only those places that require increase. You can also stretch your wet denim shorts with your hands, without putting on yourself. To do this, it is better to wash them with the conditioner for linen, so that the denim becomes softer, zip and button, and pull the fabric in different directions with your hands. Carefully refer to the hardware.
  2. Mechanical . If you do not want to make physical efforts or simply do not have time, then you can buy a special device in the store that looks like an ordinary coat hanger. However, despite the modesty of the design, this thing is very effective, especially if you need to stretch jeans shorts after each wash. Simply insert it into the short at the waist, fasten the retainer, and leave to dry. Thus, the desired width of clothes is obtained without much effort.