Chamomile in gynecology

Many women, experiencing in the spring as a general malaise, as well as disorders of the genital area, immediately resort to the old-time doctor, "a remedy for forty sufferings" - a chamomile pharmacy. This flower, on the one hand - unpretentious and abundantly growing weed, on the other - the most used plant in medicine. Deservedly takes first place among other medicines due to its mild and wide therapeutic effect on the female body.

This is due to the medicinal essential oils, vitamins, organic acids, hormone-like substances included in the chamomile, which together provide a fine anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and restorative healing effect. In gynecology, this herbal "lady" is especially revered. Ladies resort to her help and with mild discomfort, and with serious sexual dysfunction.

Baths of chamomile

With inflammation of the vagina and external genitalia, chamomile is indispensable in the form of sedentary baths and douching , because due to local anesthetic effects, side effects are eliminated in the form of irritation and dryness, and excellent anti-edematous and antiseptic properties quickly restore female health.

Phyto-candies based on chamomile

Candles with chamomile extract are no less popular in gynecology with vaginitis, gingivitis, urethritis, cystitis and menopause. They also have antispasmodic and antiseptic effects, stimulate the regeneration of tissues in the treatment of erosion.

Chamomile tea

The therapeutic effect of freshly brewed chamomile tea can not be overestimated. It will not only have an analgesic effect and relieve the tension of the smooth muscles of the abdomen, but will also provide comfort and support to the entire female body.