Why not kiss cats?

Cats are often attributed various mystical properties. According to some statements, witches turned into cats of pure white or purely black suits. In the cats often spilled demons or devils to penetrate into our world and not attracting attention to create their own black affairs. It is also believed that if in a dream a cat or a cat jumps on a man who was never in the house and can not be, then it means that the housekeeper is dissatisfied with something or does not want anyone in his house to live except him .

A cat that walks by itself

Cats have always lived on their own. In all ancient manuscripts it is written that they are clever, cunning animals with a very uneasy character. In ancient Egypt there was even a cult of a deity called Bast - creatures with a woman's body and a cat's head. In ancient Egypt, it was also believed that the cat is the deity of the house, which protects it from evil spells. In the houses of the nobility, a special person was even assigned to cats-a caretaker for a cat who was her shore, courted her, and guarded her. For killing a cat, even if it was unintentional, the most severe punishment could have followed, up to and including murder.

In different countries, they wrote about cats differently, but all agreed that the cat is an animal that connects our world with the other world. It was also believed that looking into the eyes of this animal, you can see a different world, so they always cover their eyes, being in a state of relaxation and bliss.

Cats are night hunters. At night they hunt small game, and night, as is known, is the time for unclean force. Because it is at night that evil spirits increase magical power and it is during this period that the black deeds that it does occur. Apparently, therefore, predators are attributed a certain devilry, with the help of which they easily walk at night, without any harm to themselves.

Why not kiss cats?

According to some legends, you can not kiss cats in the face. After such a kiss with a person an unpleasant thing happens - he ceases to love the world around him, to love himself, to love his loved ones. He becomes a slave of a cat, loves only her, only one she sees and notices, for her sake he is ready for the most reckless acts. That's what will happen if you kiss a cat on some other superstition.

Also, you can not kiss cats - especially if they do not want to. They are creatures with a strong character , so if you kiss a cat, when he does not want it, the life of a person who kisses a cat can become complicated. The cat will constantly interfere, shambles in shoes, stop sleeping, spoiling clothes - of course, this person's mood will not be very good. He becomes irritable, starts to break down on trifles and it can end with a serious nervous disease. But again, we are told about this by signs and superstitions, which does not guarantee such consequences.

Is it possible to kiss domestic cats?

It would seem that it would be bad if you kiss a cat. After all, these are the most lovely home creations that bring a piece of comfort and tranquility into the house. They seem to be the very embodiment of cleanliness and order, because they constantly wash and lick. Cats seem so clean, always clean and well-groomed. When you take them in your arms they are so flattering, they purr, so you want to pat them and kiss them. Some wonder whether it is possible to kiss cats in the nose and the answer is negative, because cats themselves unwittingly are carriers of a wide variety of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. They can also have lichen , not only shearing, which is visible to the naked eye, but also in the form of a fungus, which can be seen only in the veterinary laboratory. Therefore, kissing cats is strictly prohibited, also after the cat has been on hand, they must be thoroughly washed with soap.