How to walk on high heels?

Most girls for the sake of beauty can go to many sacrifices, and even to acquire mega high studs. But after such a purchase they face a problem: how to walk on high heels and at the same time look graceful and at ease?

A few recommendations

Often, girls who are used to wearing shoes at low speed, are forced to refuse to buy a beautiful, but too high shoes. This is due to fear and inability to properly wear it. There are often cases when they say: "I can not walk on his heels, what to do?" And then help come advice from girlfriends, books and the Internet, where you can get a lot of useful information.

So, some tips on how to walk beautifully on high heels:

  1. To begin with, you should buy beautiful shoes with a stud. But at the same time it is worth remembering that you need to start small. Therefore, the optimal height of the heel is 10 centimeters. Later you can go to 15 centimeters.
  2. Walking should be right - from the heel to the toe, and nothing else. In this case, the legs should fully straighten, and not remain bent at the knees.
  3. To begin with, it is worth to walk a little on the hard floor without covering. Note that the surface should not slide.
  4. You should walk until your movements become confident and natural, and movements - smooth and graceful.
  5. The next stage will be walking on the stairs and tiles.
  6. After all the training, you can safely go out and apply the knowledge you have gained.

If you ever paid attention to how girls walk on their heels, they could conclude that this is not so easy actually. Apparent ease of gait and gracefulness is developed only after a long time and after hours of training.

Example of experimental models

In order that in any situation it is nice to walk and stand on high heels , it is worth learning from experienced girls. The best way to watch the video is how the models wear heels. They perfectly cope with this and know several rules, thanks to which their movements look smooth and beautiful.

In order for the gait to be soft and sexy, you need to mentally draw a line in front of you and set your legs strictly on it. The steps should be small and not too hasty.

While walking, remember your posture. Shoulders and stoop are inadmissible. Remember that in the beginning there is a foot, and behind it already and the whole body. The chin should be slightly raised, not lowered.

While walking, the leg should be set clearly and confidently, but one should not beat off each step as in the army. Everything should be in moderation.

A few tips on easy addiction to high shoes

To ensure that your experience of wearing high heels is not sad, you should follow some tips:

Given these tips, you will first and foremost make sure that getting used is much more pleasant, easier, and without negative consequences for health.

Let's rest our feet

If you recently switched to a high heel, you should not overload your body and wear such shoes every day. It can harm your health and provoke the occurrence of vascular diseases or injuries. For starters, it is best to walk on a hairpin for no more than two hours a day, but you can gradually increase this amount. When coming home, make sure to do a foot massage and a relaxing foot bath. If there is swelling, then you can use cold water or rub it with ice slices.