Coffee wrap for weight loss

In many spa centers you can be offered such a pleasant procedure as a coffee wrap. However, it is not necessary to give such money for a couple of hours, which will take you this pleasure. If you have a free evening, you can do this procedure at home - and the results will be no worse!

Coffee wrap: recipe

In order to make a good home mix for coffee wraps for weight loss, do not necessarily buy elite coffee. Anyone will do, the main thing is natural. In addition, only a roll of food film and 2 hours of free time are needed. So, we proceed:

  1. Coffee wrap from cellulite . Half a cup of dry natural coffee pour water so that it turns out a pretty thick slurry, and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Then add to the mixture the essential oil of any citrus - literally 5-6 drops. Done!
  2. Coffee-honey wrap . Take half a cup of coffee and add to it 2 tablespoons of not too liquid and not too thick honey. If the mixture is taut - add 5 drops of any oil. Done!

These mixtures are convenient to apply, they do not spread and do not create unpleasant sensations.

Coffee wrap at home

So, it's time for the procedure itself.

  1. Prepare the mixture in advance, take a shower and properly walk through a scrub or a stiff washcloth to problem areas. Mass should be at least 5-6 minutes. After that you are ready for the procedure.
  2. On a dry body in problem areas, apply the mixture gently. Distribute it evenly, not too thick.
  3. On top of the mixture and also grabbing 10 centimeters above and below it, apply 3-4 layers of film. Do not feel sorry for her - it is she who gives the greenhouse effect, thanks to which the useful substances enter the skin, and toxins - leave it.
  4. Prilyagte, cover yourself with a couple of warm blankets and turn on your favorite movie or take a nap.
  5. After 1.5-2 hours you can go to the bathroom, carefully remove the film and wash the mixture: the second time you can not use it!

It is desirable to measure volumes before and after the procedure. On average, the difference is from 0.8 to 2.5 centimeters - so much you lose in one procedure.

Wraps should be performed every other day for a month, excluding the period of menstruation. On the day of wrapping it is forbidden to eat heavy food - it is better to eat light soups and salads. Directly during the procedures, eating and drinking is prohibited.