Borreliosis - treatment

Borreliosis in humans is characterized by insect bites, in particular ticks . It begins to appear one or two weeks after the bite.

There are three stages of the manifestation of the disease:

The first stage is characterized by a high temperature, some symptoms of intoxication appear, lymph nodes increase, skin rashes are present. In some cases, there is a manifestation of meningitis . Such symptoms can last up to a month. It should be noted that the most important and special manifestation of the disease is ring-shaped erythema. All other manifestations may be absent even in the third stage of the disease.

In the second stage of the disease, the pathogen is spread throughout the body, the nervous system suffers. In patients, photophobia begins, paresis of the cranial nerves, weakness, emotional instability. Children suffer primarily nervous system, as well as the facial nerve.

The third stage usually occurs within two years, accompanied by inflammatory lesions of the joints, skin and chronic lesions of the nervous system.

How to treat borreliosis?

Treatment of such a disease should start immediately. If you pay attention to the patient in time, then complications do not come about and nervous disorders can pass in an easy stage. Antibiotics for Borreliosis are simply necessary. They are appointed in a special order by a doctor, so in such cases, self-medication is contraindicated.

At the first stage of the disease, tetracycline is prescribed. With neurological manifestations and cardiovascular disorders, ceftriaxone or penicillin is prescribed. If a chronic disease is found, penicillins of prolonged action, for example - retarpen, should be used.

Is it possible to cure borreliosis?

Today, this disease is checked by the presence of certain bacteria in the blood, after which special therapy is prescribed. Borreliosis can be cured, the main thing is to detect the disease in time and take the necessary measures. Since ancient times no one has heard of Borrelia, and even more so of his methods of treatment. Previously, this disease was characterized as an allergic reaction to a tick bite. Now such therapy consists of taking antibacterial and antiviral medicines. Treatment is mandatory conducted courses. If treatment was started on time, then the probability of recovery is very high, and complications are almost not observed.

Treatment of borreliosis with folk remedies

Folk treatment is carried out as an additional. Without special medical preparations to overcome the disease is almost impossible. It is necessary to comply with a diet that includes lemon, garlic, spring grass to consume in salads, gardening, and add to your favorite dishes.

Some basic recipes for prophylactic measures of borreliosis:

  1. Infusion of 1 tbsp. spoons of grass. To do this, pour it half a liter of boiling water and insist for two hours. After filtering and taking two tablespoons 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
  2. You need one teaspoon of leaves of strawberry forest insist in one glass of boiling water for four hours. When the infusion cools down, strain it and drink two tablespoons three times a day before meals.

In cases of chronic borreliosis, manifested diencephalic crises. To prevent this, you can take 1 teaspoon before eating novopasit. The course will continue for a month.

Effective collection in the treatment of borreliosis at home

To prepare such a collection you need 10 grams of valerian root, motherwort, European zucchini, oregano, calendula flowers and hawthorn, St. John's wort, black elder and blackberry leaf. Just come in handy 5 gr. thyme. Mix the whole mixture and take one tablespoon of a glass of hot water in a thermos bottle. Leave it all for 30 minutes. After filter and divide the glass into four pieces. Before each meal, drink a decoction. The course will continue for a month.