Runes - amulets

Probably, each time at least surprised by the unusual patterns of embroidery on clothes of ethnic style . Now this is just an element of decor, but our ancestors made such embroideries from runes, in order to protect the owner from various misfortunes. Of course, there were more familiar forms of amulets - amulets with carved signs and dolls-amulet . They could be personal, but could protect the dwelling from bad people.

Scandinavian runes amulets

There are two ways to apply preserving runes - runescripts and runic ligatures. In the first case, runes are arranged from right to left in a row, in the second - they are combined so that one rune "flows" into another, for our purpose the ligature is made from the top down. Personal Scandinavian runes must be worn on the chest (at the heart), those designed to protect the house, its threshold should not be crossed, but the guard for the vehicle in the same place should be kept.

  1. The "Zerkalo" hand-script: Isa-Kano-Hagalaz-Kano-Isa. Any impact is taken completely and returned to the sender unchanged.
  2. To protect property is used amulet with runic viscous characters of Algiz and Ingus.
  3. The guardian of development and prosperity: rune ligature Feu-Ingus-Algiz. The amulet will contribute to the development and prosperity of your cause, as well as help to overcome the crisis .
  4. To create a situation of material and financial well-being, the amulet is used with the threefold rune Feu.
  5. A guard of health and longevity rune characters of Dagaz and Ingus characters.
  6. Runescript for the protection of the house: Teyvaz-Algiz-Otal-Algiz-Teivaz. It is advisable to have it at the entrance to the dwelling. The guard protects against the envy of others, which undermines the energy of the house. In case of danger to the house, you will feel it.
  7. Runescript for travel: Algiz-Raido-Algiz. The amulet can warn of a threatening danger, help to avoid trouble on the road, great for motorists.

Runes of the Slavs

Do not think that the runes are a Scandinavian achievement, the Slavs also used runes for their talismans. The most famous of the Old Slavic (Aryan) amulets is the swastika and its various variations. Of course, thanks to fascism, the symbol is not perceived positively by many. In fact, this solar sign consists of two (the simplest combination) of the Slavic runes of Sila (Scandinavian Soulu), meaning victory, strength, rebirth. There are two options for writing: salting and anti-saline, both have their own meaning. The general meaning boils down to the following: the amulet manufactured in the course of the sun serves to receive something, against the sun - for destruction. Adding to this symbol other Slavic runes, you can get a lot of versatile amulets. For example, for more powerful impact, you can add to each branch of the swastika on the rune Force.

You can also use combinations of other Slavic runes for protection. For example, you can use the combination of Treba-Mir-Opora-Mir-Treba, for the creation of a "mirror" personal amulet, the combination of the runes of Istok-Krada-Bereginya, the combination of Mir-Raduga-Mir is suitable for travel.

In fact, the amulet can consist of one rune, additional only strengthen its effect or give the direction of development. But if you take the Rideau rune with you on the trip or wear the rune Algiz, trying to protect yourself from the boss's attacks, the effect will also be just a little less, or the action will not be on a specific situation, but on the state of affairs as a whole.