
Having a baby in a woman's life does not always mean that she can become a good mother. Some ladies are not ready for the appearance of a child and are rushing to get rid of him as soon as possible . Often this situation ends pitifully - newly minted mothers simply throw a newborn baby into a garbage container or deprive him of life.

In addition, the circumstances are different, and the need to temporarily or permanently leave the child in a children's institution may arise in relatively well-off women. To reduce the likelihood of committing offenses and save the life of newborn babies, in many states special baby boxes, or "windows of life" are equipped.

In this article we will tell you what these windows represent, what they are intended for, and in what countries they exist.

What is a baby box?

A baby box is a small window specially set up in a medical facility for anonymous abandonment of a newborn baby. On the street side, it is closed with a metal-plastic door, and in the room directly below it there is a crib for the baby.

If a woman who recently made an infant, decides to get rid of it, she can just go to the "window of life", open the door and put the crumbs in a special compartment. After that, the small door closes on its own and blocks after 30 seconds. After this time, the door can not be opened from the outside, and the child's mother can not change her decision.

Baby-boxing is not guarded by anyone, and video surveillance of this window is also not being conducted. This is done so that the mother, who voluntarily renounces the baby, is not afraid of conviction and criminal punishment. It is worth noting that the woman will be able to avoid liability only if she puts the child in a "window of life" in a satisfactory condition. If, on the body of the crumb, there are signs of beatings or other bodily harm, the newly-made mother will be put on the wanted list, and if found, she will be punished with all the severity of the law.

Arguments for and against the baby boxes

Since the "windows of life" appeared in various institutions, arguments about the need for their equipment have not ceased. The opponents of the baby boxes are sure that a woman who is capable of killing her own child or throwing it into a garbage can not seek a civilized way to leave the crumb because it is simply not required.

Such ladies from the first second of the appearance of the baby experience hatred and aggression towards him and get rid of the child at the first opportunity for this. Other women who are confused or find themselves in a difficult life situation, according to the opponents of the baby boxes, have every right and opportunity to leave the crumb at the maternity hospital, and they do not need the "windows of life" for this.

Nevertheless, most doctors, social workers and volunteers who help children left without parental care believe that baby boxes need to be installed in every city, since this device has many advantages, namely:

Are there baby boxes in Russia and Ukraine?

Despite the fact that the law on baby-boxes has not yet been approved by the government of Russia and Ukraine, in both these states there are "windows of life", equipped in specialized medical institutions.

Similar windows can be found in Russia for the first time in the Krasnodar Territory, and today they can be found in 11 regions of the country. It is noteworthy that in Moscow and St. Petersburg the possibility of anonymously leaving the child and at the same time avoiding criminal liability is not yet available.

In Ukraine, baby-boxing is organized only in Odessa, but in two medical institutions at once - in Odessa Children's Hospital No. 3 and in Odessa Maternity Hospital No. 7. In addition to these states, "windows of life" are also available in other countries - in Germany, Latvia, Czechia and Japan.