Icon "The impenetrable door" - the meaning, what helps?

Orthodox images since ancient times are known for their miraculous powers. Of particular importance is the icon "impenetrable door", so it is important to know what it helps. There is another well-known name - "The impenetrable gate". This image is considered very powerful, but that's who its author is still not known. At the moment, the icon is kept in the State Russian Museum. It depicts the Holy Virgin, who prays to God that he will save believers, as well as people asking for help from the Mother of God herself.

The meaning of the icon "The impenetrable door"

The main meaning of this image is that the Virgin represents closed gates to the Kingdom of Heaven, which are inaccessible to sinful people. Since ancient times, Christians have protected their homes not only with the help of locks and fences, but also using spiritual forces. The icon "The impenetrable door" provides protection of the house from thieves, enemies and various negative, and even magic. It should be noted that praying before this image is not about protection, but about the intercession of the Virgin.

To the icon of the Mother of God "The impenetrable door" can be addressed in order to pass the feat of virginity, celibacy and chastity. People who are married can turn to the Higher Powers to preserve happiness and loyalty in the family. Parents can pray before the icon to protect their children from various misfortunes. They pray at this icon of the Mother of God also with the existing threat of floods, fires and other natural disasters. In general, you can refer to the Theotokos in any case that is associated with good.

Another important point with which you need to figure out is where to hang the icon "The impenetrable door". In fact, there are no strict limitations on this matter. The image can be placed in a specially designated place for storing icons. Hanging the image is best in the eastern part of the room, so that the face is directed to the front door. It is important that there are no foreign objects that will violate the energy of the image.