Yellow shoes

A cheerful yellow color is always associated with positive things: the sun, gold, wealth. But in the wardrobe this color is more often found in the form of accessories, as people consider it impractical. Often, girls choose more wearable and muted colors, sacrificing bright beautiful colors.

But what if we declare a boycott to everything familiar, and discarding a dry calculation to buy yellow shoes? Of course, such shoes will not replace the strict black boats, but definitely bring in your image a note of coquetry and a holiday. They can be worn on special occasions when you want to attract everyone's attention and leave a trace in your memory. It does not matter what it is - yellow high-heeled shoes or strict yellow shoes - they are guaranteed to cheer you and your environment!

With what to wear shoes yellow?

It is this question that arises in the mind of everyone who sees the amazing bright shoes in the store. In fact, everything is quite simple. According to the rule of three colors, you can combine no more than 3 colors and thus the kit will not look nalyapisto. Thus, yellow women's shoes can easily be combined with a black dress or trousers.

If such experiments are too risky for you, then you can use proven combinations of things:

  1. Yellow shoes with a hairpin and blue things. The stylists claim that the combination of blue and yellow works win-win, so yellow heels can be worn with blue jeans or business suits.
  2. Accessories in tone. Do you want the image to look harmonious? Use accessories of the appropriate color. The shoes can be supplemented with a yellow scarf or a handkerchief, a forge, a belt or costume jewelry.
  3. Bright things. You can take a chance and wear yellow lacquered or suede shoes with a bright green dress or top. You can play on contrasts and combine absolutely incongruous colors, but for this you need to have an excellent taste.