Prayer for children and family

Praying is always necessary for God, because only he can fulfill our requests and entreaties. However, in Christianity there are also Saints - deceased people, whose life was full of reverence. We pray to them, because each Saint is, as it were, endowed with his "sphere of activity". As in life, they continue to pray to God about those who need it, and produce miracles.

The woman should, first of all, pray for the family and children. After all, the situation in the house, the well-being of its residents, well-being, luck and family health depend on it. A woman should be God-pleasing, even if her husband is an atheist.

And pray God for love in the family need through the "female" saints - the Holy Matron of Moscow, St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, etc.

Matrona Moskovskaya

Matrona Moskovskaya was born in the Tula province, in the late nineteenth century. She was the fourth child, her parents were not young, and not rich, so even without being born, the mother mentally identified the Matron in the orphanage.

However, she had a prophetic dream. A blind white bird descended on her hand and the mother decided that she could not give her child. Matron was born blind and from the very childhood was devoted to religion and entreaty of unhappy people. God gave her the gift - to save those who need help. Particularly often Matrona is said to pray for the bestowal of a family, since women consider her to be her patroness.

Ksenia St. Petersburg

They say that Holy Blessed Xenia consoles everyone who asks for it. So she acted during life, being a woman hermit, wandering around the world and asking God for people. So she does now, praying to God for those who turn to her in prayers to a young family, about pregnancy, about love in the house, about health, about healing, about avoiding divorce and reconciliation with her husband.

Xenia of Petersburg accepted her vow of hermitry after her husband's death. Most of all, she was worried that he did not have time to repent before his death, and the purpose of her life was a prayer for her husband before God.

Prayer to Matron of Moscow

Prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg